

Violence 😭

Mum I can't watch you been beaten up every time by dad, mum please I was thought in school by my civic teacher wa that domestic violence isn't good thing and if One is in this situation, we should report to the government. Mum please we need to report dad I'm grown now I'm twelve years and Fred is 10 ... We can handle ourselves without dad mum😭😭 please mum report to the government and get free from dad's beatings.
Keep quiet you little spoilt brat!! My mom exclaime by the qqqqknow?? You are just 12 and you are here telling me to report your father so he could be arrested ryt?? I keep enduring this beatings only because I don't want you and your brother to become a wayward and fatherless child, see Amaka if you in any way report to the government you will not just stop been my child I will also beat you mercilessly you spoilt brat she shouted.
I knew my mother wasn't the strong one cos I hear her sob sometime but quickly hides her pain when we are around. But wait is it true that we will become a wayward children if we don't have a dad?? No no jor, Nina in my class is been raised by her mom and she never for once behave bad in class. Oh no😭 wished mum could just leave dad and be free from this violence.
We resumed back to school and continue our daily activities , mum also goes regularly to her shop and dad a shareholder in a popular bank, whom at work acts like a cool man. Mom Continually hides her pains from both her friends and family and when asked why the bruises in her body she gives lies upon lies.
It was a normal afternoon for me and my brother, mum supposed to come and pick us as usual but after about an hour of not seeing her, our teacher decided to drop us. We entered our apartment with our teacher who was curious to know the reason why our mum couldn't pick us up. We got to the living room and what we saw made me weak instantly 😭😭😭😭😭 lying on the floor was the lifeless body of my mum all her body covers with bruises oh no he has killed her I cried out 😭. My teacher couldn't console is because she was also weeping so hard. I hugged my brother and whispers "Fred it is finished" and continue weeping. I tried to explain to my teacher how my mum suffered domestic violence for 12 good years .
My mom was eventually buried and my dad was nowhere to be found so he escaped been arrested, I later got to know that he is somewhere in Europe and due to his influence he escaped arrest.
This week I visited my mum's grave and all I could say was ""mum I'm 22 years old today and we've been leaving without a dad, mum we didn't turn wayward and Fred is now I'm his finals why I'm now a Banker 😭😭 mum I wished you have listened to me 10 years ago by now we would have been together. I miss you mum and will always do"".
Note: For as many as those who still suffers domestic violence in their marriages or relationship please walk out and try to report to the human rights organizations Incase of threats. Please Marriage are meant to be Enjoyed and Not to be Endured or physically, mentally and emotionally drained .
Thanks for reading and have a beautiful night 😘