

Simple Diary of Mine
Ninth Page

Week passed, Cleo and his apprentices go on a expedition on the north of Yrenya, the territory of the Fairies. They go to exterminate the guild that belongs to an assassin, the assassin was the culprit of murdering their princess and investigate the traces of the missing King's Master. Cleo and the others are really amazing to get a tasked like that.

I'm alone in my house trying some of my experiment to test the poison and the antidote I made. I need to know this so that I don't have to spend some money on a doctor or on an apothecary. I also tried to do some homemade cake that my mom taught me. My mom was a baker while my dad was a businessman. They taught me how the world works and how to survive to it. At first, I don't take it seriously but now I'm in this strange place I took it seriously. The herb I plant in my backyard are all healthy and I'm proud of myself. The vegetables and fruits are very healthy and pretty big. I picked some apples, pineapple, avocados and other fruits that I needed.

I washed, sliced and mix them together in one big bowl with a cows milk and other ingredients. When it's done, I put it on a freezer where I asked Leven to make some. On this summer day, there's nothing but a fresh cold snack and a cold drink with your side. I ate it under the tree infront of my house. Today's day is really peaceful and so relaxing. In my world, I never get to relaxed this much because I need to study advance and always doing some school work. Now I'm here, I'm enjoying my day.

End of the Ninth Page
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