

white as snow-4
They called an ambulance and took Pyari to the hospital. She wanted to go along but they said she will be well taken care of. She packed a duffle bag of clothes and essentials for her. And so, Trisha found herself alone on her Honeymoon.

She was exhausted mentally and emotionally. She was thinking about the New man, owner of the bungalow next door, rather next hill. He was a little dark, hard eyes, arrogant yet seemed to have an authoritative aura of a responsible man. Who was he? What was Srinivas doing? Was she being used or cheated? How were her parents taking her absence? Were they aware she is cut off from the world as she knew it...!!! oh so many questions... !!?!!

She decided to take a stroll, she put on her warm pink jacket and went outside. She strolled to the end of the ridge and sat down on the bench. She was looking down at the opposite hills, serene in their whiteness, when she heard a twig break. She jumped and looked around , he was standing there- the New man. "I'm sorry if I scared you. But I came back for lunch and saw you sitting here. Just to let you know, Pyari is being operated as we speak. She will be staying at the hospital for some time. Um.. do you mind if I sit down too.. you see I am tired front the walk. I am myself recuperating from an accident ".

" oh sure, please, come sit " said Trisha looking down at the little tiny cars and buses driving past the road in the opposite hill road. He sat down near her and she could feel his eyes upon her. She felt a shiver in her, but it was warm welcome, almost calming her into safety. Ohhh no no no.... She was on her honeymoon... this was not her husband... " you don't remember anything Ketaki??" He said. Now Trisha was aghast and then she fell.. unconscious...!!!

to be continued...

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