

yellow cycle
As a young kid of 7 years old ,my baba would pick and drop me from school in his yellow cycle

the whole village recognised my baba and his one and only yellow cycle
each day at 4 am my baba would start his day by cleaning this cycle. talking to it and this cycle was his lifeline

one day he went to town to fetch some medicine and had parked his cylce at the safe temple surrounding.

when he was away ,a heist took place in the village and the temple followed by the robbery in the temple
that evening as he returns to the village to collect his cycle to go back home he realise that he cycle was missing planet anxious and extremely happy very ported he look around frantically for his cycle he has everybody around if the solid nobody had seen the cycle extremely dejected he went home with a gloomy face and looking absolutely lifeless that's when his wife and son ask him what happened to you why are you looking so glow me and rated the incident of the missing cycle .

everybody in the house was unhappy and restless as the cycle was a part of the family since ancient traditions it was handed down to him by his father who was given this cycle by his father so it's a three generation lay down obviously its significance.

next day morning at 4:00 a.m. he got up had a back full of clothes and he told his wife that he was looking for his cycle and only coming back if he got his cycle next 10 days he went village to village street to Street looking for a cycle and it every point he met somebody who had seen the cycle with two gentleman some described the people who this all the cycle with some describe the cycle some of them are very happy that day finally could see him without the cycle visit them at least on the pretext of looking for cycle

this journey of looking for the cycle encompassed the owner of the cycle learning a lot of lessons he learnt some very important values he had missed learning in the end when you are extremely exhausted and had decided to terminate his search for the cycle and was about a return who's waiting by a seaport for ride to the other sour just when he saw his yellow cycle part at a tea stall next again to the stall and you ask the boy next to the cycle whose this cycle with?
and how did the cycle reach there the little boy who was cleaning the cycle said to men gave the cycle to him in exchange of food they were hungry they didn't have money on them they didn't have proper clothes they wanted a pair of fresh clothes and a food to eat I don't want to give me the cycle and in the exchange of that I give them my Baba's clothes and lunch fact and they just left they are going in that yatch see!

full of people and he saw two people sitting with a bag very closely held to their chest he called out to them he wave them any ask them why did they leave the cycle why did why did they pick the cycle just then huge accident took place and the hatched ground these two people were seen floating in the water asking for help got them to the show knows them to proper good health.

where did you pick the cycle from and why did you pick it and why have you abandoned it the answer shocked the man.

those two robbers were peti Thieves who wrote small houses and villages to make a living they need to run from the village that they had last robed and they saw that the villages head rust to catch them in a haste the pick up a cycle that was part on the wall of the temple and ran in the cycle but there journey of 10 days from village to village city to city give the lot of respect and their realise that everybody in the village recognised the cycle and they asked if we were Balu the owner of the cycle the respect love appreciation that we got because of this cycle thought as the lesson that if we want respect in life we should do something good so we decide to give the cycle to a young boy who loved the cycle in exchange of food listening to this in life the most important treasure is people and their respect not belongings all my life I spend protecting this belonging and I forgot to love people the cycle and the thieves thought Balu the importance of relationships.

© Piaa