

An eye-opening experience about death
My grandmother, 98 years old, who was a very close person to me, and who I used to visit quite often after university, has died recently.

Despite her old age, she was quite an active person with a pretty good memory. So we thought she could have longer days ahead of her.

But in less than a year time, her condition quickly deteriorated as she lost weight. We then discovered she had cancer.

Less than two weeks after this, she went into a coma. She used to sleep a lot before that, and one day before coma, she started asking me continually about how my dad and mom were doing, as if she unconsciously sensed that her day was coming. Her pressure then dropped to an alarming level. The reanimation center would not have accepted an old person into their care knowing she would soon have to die, so we bought her a medical bed, and took care of her at home. And since we have doctors in the family, we installed different tubes into her body in order for it to perform its usual. How horrifying it was, in the beginning of her last, to see her from time to time, hands in the air, and with grimaces of ache at her face, suffering from an unbearable and unspeakable pain. It escalated quickly, her body covered in hematomes and blood from every corner, and her hand was like a sink as droplets of liquid consistently dropped from it.

Two weeks of prayers of end of suffering passed by, and in the last days preceding her death, every single food that we gave her through the gastric tube was continually vommited, mixed with black blood. And even though no food was inhaled, there were still stools coming out from we don’t know where. It was as if her body was freeing itself from this world, was cleaning itself and preparing for leave. We removed the gastric tube as it constantly slided by itself. Even the tube in her hand never stayed for more than a day, and when we put it back on, it slided again, as if God told us that when one’s time had to come, it had to come, despite what we did.

In the two days before her passing, she stayed with her eyes wide open, looking at us weirdly, as if she was looking past us. And in her last moment, I remember very well, she fixed a particular point above her, as we were asking her: where are you looking at ?

Another thing that caught my attention is not her state of coma and constant fatigue, but just before her death, despite everything, the result of her pressure measuring was oddly normal, and her glycemia too, as it was never before. But then at a blink of an eye, there was no heartbeat anymore. Her eyes closed, she found her peace, and she was surely having her rest, after a long suffering.
© eleonorahrk