

The fallen Angel
“I can’t allow this to go any further, Anakin.” Obi-wan spoke with a stern, yet calm voice. His gaze was piercing, as if daring Anakin to lay one finger on him.

The sound and look of disappointment in Obi’s eyes hurt Anakin more than he wanted to admit. His eyes seemed to carry a sadness that could only be found in catholic stained glass windows. Along with an anger that could destroy the galaxy itself, blinding himself and fogging his mind. Anakin was in an agonising battle against himself, not yet realising that the love of his life was laying death on the ground. All he could see for now was his ‘master’ Obi-wan Kenobi, who he once saw as his only father figure of some sorts.

“If you’re not with me, then you’re against me.” Anakin spoke with a voice unlike his own. His once soulful eyes now a combination of yellow and red, clouded with hatred and pain. A glimmer of the dark side and the upcoming Sith Lord within.

“You betrayed me for the last time, Obi-wan.” said Darth Vader.

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