

The Lost And Found Girl
A flock of geese flying high up against the blue sky, squawking away in familiar harmony, roused me into that state of consciousness that lingers just before awakening from a restless slumber. The harsh slap of salty, surf laden water struck me with a ferocity that had me gasping into complete consciousness. My shoulders and arms felt sore, almost as if they didn’t belong to me anymore. How could they when I had spent more than forty eight hours clinging on a piece of driftwood in the middle of the bloody ocean!

I do not remember exactly how I got here.. It was blurry, lots of drinking fellows, dancing wolfe. We were celebrating the ocean of the sea. Ironic right, with my current situation. If I wasn't freezing right now, I would laugh at my own choice of words.. Ocean of the sea is a movie made by me and my best friends, James, Amanda and Willis.

We were in college when we had met. All four of us became friends in flim class. Has it turns out, all four of us wanted the same career, to be an actress. We worked hard, did all our school works, and party as well.

James is the funny one, he has a calm personality, it takes a lot to get him angry, and bowy oh bowy ! That boy can drink a tank of alcohol and still find the strength to do other things. Strange right?? Amanda is a fire cracker.. She's easily piss off whenever someone is disrespectful. She does not like rude people's, but otherwise from that, she too have a great personality, she can sing and dance.
Willis is a gentleman, he's always the ladies man, he's calm, reliable, outspoken, friendly, he also sing as well as he can cook. I on the other hand, I write music, I'm a lovable person, a people person, I play tennis and I love to write stories.

We were hired after graduation to play apart in a movie called What The Heart Desire. We were expose from playing apart in the movie, ever since then we have gotten famous. I decided why not write a movie as well as act in it. My friends agreed. All four of us came up with the title Ocean Of The Sea. Ocean is a name given to a creature that captivate men hearts. One look at the forbidden creature and their desires flew through the roof..

We were at New Jersey two weeks back, when we got the news that our movie hit number one chart, under the category of Love And Spell Enchantment. To say we were surprise is an underestimation, of how we reacted. James went to buy liquor, Amanda ran around the poolside naked and Willis surprised all of us by joining amada, and I of course try to fly from the roof with an umbrella. It's a good thing the wind was blowing.

Our celebrations lead to us taking a cruise. Everyone was busy having fun. Party all night with your friends is all you wanted right. We were drinking a lot,when a wave came smashing against the cruise ship, the impact of the sea had damage the ship and we were going down slowly, but thankfully there were enough safety boats to hold all of us.

Everyone run to the nearest ones, the captain of the ship made sure everyone was on board, but the heavy waves of the sea continue until the ship was destroyed. Somehow, I had falling out of the boat I'm in with my friends, though I do not remember exactly how, the sea waves pushed me out and away from the others.

I had been clinging to this driftwood eversince. I feel numb and tired. Really tired. Has my eyes are about to close, I heard my name being called.

Leonieeeee! Wait that's James . JAMES I'M OVER HERE, I yelled back. Seeing my best friends drawing closer to me, actually bring tears to my eyes. I guess I'll be living to do another show after all.

© Tenisha Sterling