

One Morning As A Teen
I lay in bed at my usual position
wishing she was in a certain spot
I kissed my pillow with the sexual thoughts I had of her.
I slept and dreamt of her, my body
felt numb my temperature had risen by my dreams of her.

*[its morning]*

I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping.
I was taken a back by my dream and how I wished to continue the dream
l tried different positions that did not work so,
I shut my eyes and said,
“Take me back to the dream of plessure, a place where she is mine, a world where I can touch her a moment she could bend to fulfill my will.”
I pushed the blanket as I felt as it got in my way, I grabbed my pillow squeezing it tight as I was rubbing my self imagining her moans *squirt* my boxers were wet but cold feeling as I peed myself. As I peaked under my boxers I didn’t not urinate but it was different is this what they call Growing up?

© Poetic Neighborhood