

'I just don't know how to do it,' I mumbled in confusion.
'Will I ruin our friendship? He is my best friend. I don't really known what to do without him. Will he reject me? I will regret it all if our friendship is broken. Is it true, we are not supposed to take it beyond friendship?' I muttered to myself.
A tons of questions playing in my head.
'I can't wait anymore, sorry, it's time to tell the truth.'
I texted him, 'Can we meet in front of the river?'
'Sure dumbo', he replied.
'DuMbo??!!!??? Is he going to call me that for the rest of my life? No way, maybe I just needa think before confessing. Why am I thinking all these now? I'm gonna confess anyways.'
I walked to the riverside. I haven't felt so weird. I wanna meet him but I still don't wanna. I feel the entire insect kingdom inside my tummy.
I reached.
'Late as always, what were you doing? Don't say you weren't ready. I did not call you. It was you who called me. Now say. Wait, why do you look nervous? What happened? Ohh, are you gonna ask for proposal advice from me?? I know right. You go to him, say I love you, don't think anything. That's how I want it for my self too. And If he rejects, walk back, don't cry because if he rejects he is a damn stupid. I know no boy will reject you.' He said at once. But I could see pain in his eyes, does he have feelings for me? I could not think anymore. I will just do it the way he wants. Without hesitation I said, 'I love you.'
He stood their like he lost his ability to speak. I covered my mouth with my hand. Did I ruin it all? I was about to bust out when he slowly knelt down on his knees and asked, 'I was waiting for this, for years now. Atlast you said. I was supposed to propose, but you know me. That's why you did it on your own. Thank you for being my best friend for so long. Guiding me through all odds. I am glad that we are going to take a step forward. Will you be my girlfriend?'
I nodded my head with tears in my eyes.
Was I dreaming, no, I wasn't. This is all true. This is true love. He loves me. He interrupted my thoughts, 'Can I still call you a dumbo, because I haven't seen anyone dumber than you.'
I stood their with a disgusted face and then busted out into laughter.
'Yes, why not? I like it,'.

'That was amazing but papa why didn't you say I love you too?' My little daughter asked curiously.
His face turned red and then he said, 'Umm babe, I love you too.'
I just chuckled

I was living in my dreamland. A secure job, a car, a house, friends, and a lovely little family, Him, me and our little princess.

Btw, I'm back after a long hiatus......
© Rupsa