

All that glitters is not gold.
he was a tall handsome guy,with less words.and that was the frst day i had seen him around the college velandars.😅i was moved by the expensive suit he had and i kept thinking...might he be the new lecturer??
Time passed and this guy started following me up little by little..........one day during the evening lectures he came in class and my doubt was cleared.....after the lesson he asked to see me in his office......i didnt hesitate.i followed him like a pig going to slaughter house.😅
He asked me for a dinner night with him and later would drive me home,which he insisted.so i went dressed up and we met in a certain motel downtown.the place was cool....i must admit.....why me???i kept asking myself.......does it mean there were no other beuties in the college???i ddnt understand.
days passed,and he came home to see my parents....oh he was serious about us......😅i knew nothing more than he was a lecturer in my college.what did he do the rest hours????that remained a mystery.so wedding plans began and the dowry was paid..........he was so good and caring.
after a few days again the wedding month was here!!!how beautiful would it be to walk down the isle with my teacher,.......life seemed paradise for me.....i loved him already......😥little did know!!!!!...........
.after the dowry payment we returned to town and continued with my lectures ........
that week we had to prepare for the graduation that was in the next weekend........
He catered for my everything and kn that specific day of my graduation,🥰🥰🤦heaven broke loose and the angels fell down.....the whole place was in silence.........And our dean master said...."we welcome our best lecturer of the year,who has to receive an award and thereafter say two words"
what a shock ....my husband to be was the man!!!!!tears of joy rolled and my colleagues comforted me,...our relationship was private and no one knew about it in the college flaternitty .he stood up and. went up to the platform.😥after receiving his award......he said"thankyou for this award...but one more thing...every successful man must have a wife behind him fr support,and every clean and smart man must slso have a wife",,,,,,,,,,,aaaaaah people were so happy......
he continued..."i wish to present someone here....who has been behind my victory,,,,,"shock slapped me on my face because i thought he had another wife........
"i ask with all due respect ....madam/miss shanny loue to stand and move foward......."
how could i even stand amongst thousands of people????so i got courage and stood....i matched foward.......and stood......
"she is a friend to my wife,she has always been there for me and my family,,,,."was worried........🙈🙈he continued so i want her to help me do something to my wife to be .......
all this time i was confused 🤦🤦😥but i couldn't show it.....so he invited the dean to help him mention the name ...........mr kavulavu......came foward and asked me to turn backward and read the letters on the screen......
he was behind me............already....
so by the count of three i should turn and face the front to welcome the wife to our lecturer......
so i counted.....1,,,,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3threeeeee and i immediately faced infront..........
🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦who???!!!????what how????!!!

how could this be?????my lecturer was right there one knee on the floor and he asked...."Shannon loue louisa....will you marry me?????,,,,,,,and thats where i lost a whole days concentration.......it was my graduation,which turned out my proposal......😅😅😅and this how i ended up marrying my lecturer.....

now the worst begins,,,,,the pain knocks....... desperation...follows................to be continued what happened???
© shanny loue