

The Dark Sky
The sky is a dark black this morning as my starts. It seems my mind is on overload already. Really? I ask myself! The day has barley began.

As the day goes by it seem my mind gets heavier. Everything is going wrong today. Why is it always me I wonder to myself as my house is so quiet. Everyone has just vanished.

The phone hasnt rang even once today. What a shock u say. Does anyone care I am I am struggling? The thought just lingers in your mind.

The dark black sky just seems to be heavy and getting heavier. Should I call someone? But who? U ask yourself. No one has seem bother to care for u to call and check on u.

The days before have been rough and a heavy heart is Really hard to handle. Where is my friends? I really need someone to just talk to.

That sky will soon bust and oh by watch out. Who knows what will happen. Maybe it be to scarey for people to handle. Just maybe no one really has the time. All kinds of things are running through this mind.

Pop goes the weasel! The sky just blow up like a fire cracker. Everyone wondering whats wrong now. Oh wow why now do u care. Now u just want to scream. What do I do? I do know the sky just blew up.