

The Starlight Chronicles: Book Two: (The Sun Catcher)

It all happened when The Zutos had captured The Leerans' & I, that we were now in outer space, on our commandeered spaceship, that; I was a bit scared, as, I hadn't known what was in store for any of us; especially, for me. While I had prayed to the gods', that, I thought existed; &, I remembered my magical powers', of shape-shifting, as; I was half Naga, which were Shape-Shifting Reptilians'. As I had shape-shifted into a Female King Cobra, I had slithered into The Control Room, while getting the communicator; & had called our allies', telling them everything; while they had told me that they would come to our aid, &, that I only had to wait. While I had been chased, as, I had gotten the cure for The Co-Vid 2039; bringing it to Lerran King Leo; after untying him. While we all had beaten The Zutos', & had caged them; putting a force field around the cages', as our allies', had came for us, to our aid. While...