

The Starlight Chronicles: Book Two: (The Sun Catcher)

It all happened when The Zutos had captured The Leerans' & I, that we were now in outer space, on our commandeered spaceship, that; I was a bit scared, as, I hadn't known what was in store for any of us; especially, for me. While I had prayed to the gods', that, I thought existed; &, I remembered my magical powers', of shape-shifting, as; I was half Naga, which were Shape-Shifting Reptilians'. As I had shape-shifted into a Female King Cobra, I had slithered into The Control Room, while getting the communicator; & had called our allies', telling them everything; while they had told me that they would come to our aid, &, that I only had to wait. While I had been chased, as, I had gotten the cure for The Co-Vid 2039; bringing it to Lerran King Leo; after untying him. While we all had beaten The Zutos', & had caged them; putting a force field around the cages', as our allies', had came for us, to our aid. While everyone had seen that we had The Zutos' captured, we immediately went to Saturn to The Space Prison, putting our enemies' in prison. While we had gone back to earth, in our spaceship, we had made sure we weren't seen by anyone or anything; except the humans' who survived The Neutron Bomb, & were in hiding; scared for their lives', hoping, praying for someone to come & save all of them; & restore order & life, to earth. While I had seen the humans' around me, they asked, begged for my help. While I was asked if I would help them & earth, by going up to The Gods' of Heaven & Space; asking for their help, & one of The Earthlings' offered me tribute, I said; "I will help you & earth." While my Leeran Friends', our allies', & I, were brought to The Secret Human Base, where there were humans' in hiding; thar survived The Rebellion Against The Zutos' & Evil Human Allies' of The Zutos', were hiding, I was told to give them The Cure for The Co-Vid 2039; by Leeran King Leo; as, I had done so. While we were in hiding, I only asked the humans', "so; what now?" While I had seen the sun go down, the humans', we Leerans', & our allies', that came to earth with us; had shut the door to our hiding place, while locking it shut; from inside & out, as, I could hear The Human Mutants', zombies', & cannibals'; coming out from the outside of the hideout, looking for fresh prey, fresh meat; to chomp on, & eat. While I was terrified, I had been comforted, while King Leo said; "now, we sleep." While I had slept until Dawn, when the sun came up, I had gone outside of the hideout; while I had the sun shining on me, like I was some type of Celestial Being, as; I could see an escalator to heaven, as, I had taken it all the way to heaven; where, there was a temple, that looked over one-trillion years' old; which, I had entered, as, I was greeted by The God Lord Brahman; The Ultimate Creator of The Universe. While I explained to the gods' what had happened on earth, they agreed to help me; as, I was The Chosen One. While I was given a pendant, I was told to move the sun, as; surpringly, I was able to do so; while putting a little bit of sunlight in my pendant; as, I was surprised, because, I had done the impossible; I had caught a little bit of the sun, while I was told; "we will help you, oh; Chosen One, Sun Catcher", by The Gods' & Goddesses' of Heaven. While I had been sent back to earth with the sunlight in my pendant; which shone like the sun, itself; I had only smiled, while, I had known that my powers' were getting stronger and stronger; as, I could now "catch" the sun, & had "caught" some of its' light, &; was now known as The "Sun Catcher", to everyone; on earth, who, now worshipped me; rendering me as The "Sun Catcher" Goddess.
To be continued...

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