

Have You Ever

Has anyone ever asked you simple, unimportant questions like… what’s your favorite food?
Or what’s your favorite color. Or what kind of music you usually listen to? Give one song that gives you chill when you listen to. Or movies that made you cry. Or a book you’ve read that moved you and changed your perspective in life.

Suddenly, you can’t name one particular food you like, or that color you usually wear when you feel like it’s going to be a good day, or that particular song you’d like to listen to when things get rough sometimes. That one particular movie that made your eyes puffy for crying like silly. Or that book, or even those lines that pierced through your heart.

Surely, you’ve got answers to those questions and yet, somehow nothing comes to your mind, not a single thing and you find yourself struggling to find an answer.

What is it that I want, anyway? You began to question yourself.

Have you ever felt like you are somewhat… in the background?
Like you somehow felt like an extra… in everyone else’s story.
Like… you can be here today and gone the next day and no one would even notice.
Like you were just passing by in this world. Unnoticed, barely existing.

If I disappear today, will anyone even remember me? You began to wonder.

Have you ever walked and walked and kept on walking with no particular direction? Have you ever felt lost, alone and unsure with no place to go to and worse, no one to go to?

Where do I want to go to, anyway? And who do I want to turn to, anyway? It’s confusing, all of a sudden.

Have you ever been afraid of fading, disappearing without leaving a single mark, a footprint that’s uniquely yours, that no ever can take it away from you?

What is it that I want to leave behind? Or is there something to leave behind, anyway?

Ever wondered your purpose? Why you are existing?

Please don’t ask me, I’m still thinking what’s my favorite color anyway.

#prose #purpose #Life #writco #writcoapp #writers #haveyouever #thoughts #thoughtoftheday
© euphemia