

The chandelier
The last bullet left the muzzle of his rifle with a deafening bang. It took with him all his hopes of survival.
He reached for the sharp knife held at his boot strap. He wasn't going out without a fight!

george was hit by the shrapnel in the left shoulder. He sharply in pain.

"Is this what you wanted?!" he yelled.

"Oh no... Not at all." Jeremy said laughing. "I want you dead!"

He dragged the riffle while walking down the corridor toward George as the barrel of the riffle scraped across the floor.

hesitantly, george reached for his knife and readied himself.

"You killed Kelly." Jeremy seethed

"No your jealousy did! She never loved you!"George interrupted.

"Why you-" Jeremy was cut off by George throwing his knife and missing.

"Is that all you got?!" yelled Jeremy. Holding his riffle.

"Look up." George smirked.

the rope that secured the chandelier was hanging by a thread and then SNAP!

Jeremy let out a scream then the chandelier crashed down onto him. there was broken glass and blood everywhere.

"And youre right..." George got up and looked down at Jeremy. "I did kill kelly."