

Horse Not For Sale... (KALI PURUSAN.) கலி புருஷன்.
This coming in Maharashtram Story. it's a big Sandy. A lot of People came and sell almost all the items there.

Somewhere in the evening, one short Black guy came with a Beautiful Black Horse. Everyone was attracted towards that horse, but hesitate to ask for the price hoping that it's cost will be much more.

That time, Nagulan gone and asked for the price of the horse. That person told him that the Horse is not for Sale. I will ask you one Question. If you answer to this question correctly, I will give this horse to you at free of cost. He has agreed for the condition. He asked him, There was water in a Big well.I can fill the water of the big well to 7 small well. Whether as the water in the 7 wells will be filled again the big well. You tell the reason WHY?. He couldn't tell...