

I read it once, then twice. I wasn't imagining it - I had won the lottery!it was real, the message wasn't lieing neither can my bank lie or prank me because the alert was right there staring at me. Alisa will be so happy, she had always tease me about my gambling habit and promises were made that I stop gambling our savings away to some dump bet when we have a child future to plan for. maybe she was right all my years I have worked in the casino as a gambler but end up a loser or you can say I never really won until I met Alisa who made me realize my destiny wasnt meant to be in a casino but the gambling habit never stop like they say old habit never die.
I didn't want to play the lottery thinking it was a charade just like the casino but Alisa said we should try we might have some luck 🤞 to gain some money for our unborn child and the I finally gambled and won the ultimate prize 🏆. the lottery was given to me the whole neighborhood would me shocked and maybe my mockery name will change from "loser" to champ