

heart break
Once upon a time a boy loved a girl with all his heart but couldn't tell her as class drew them apart,as time goes on they became close and became best of friends.On a faithful day the boy asked the girl what her wish would be if she was only given a wish,the girl replied that she would wish to be loved by the person she cherished the most.
After sometimes the girl fell in and as she was in her hospital bed,the boy was right beside her,she gave him a letter and asked him not to open it not until she is dead because it has already been revealed to them by the doctor that she can't make it.After her death,the boy opened the letter and this was what the letter contained.
“Dear best friend ”
I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had an incurable disease but I was afraid you will be sad.Do you remember I told you I wish to be loved by the person I cherished the most?well, the person whom I loved with all my heart is the one reading this letter right now,I was afraid it would ruin our friendship that is why I kept it all to myself.I wish you happiness and don't be too sad over my demise,I love you so much.
from your secret lover to her only love.
After reading the letter the boy felt the world was crumbling and also had an attack and died because he also had the same disease as her.

Is it that fate is cruel or that is there destiny??