

Ahmod Ayinla is a young,bright,upright lad , that possess immeasurable valor and enthusiasm for knowledge , he happens to be the penultimate child of his parents; Mr and Mrs Ayinla. He always spend his time on worthy and fruitful activities, although he is young but possess adult intelligence and reasoning.
He always makes himself available to learning new things with no iota of laziness or lackadaisical approach.
Ahmod a nebular of his father will do anything feasible to spend the night with him and when you do ,he will bring out his big diary and start rolling over his piled unanswered question to you ,so you can help him make Justice to it.
Take for instance, I spent a night with him in his room sometimes ago and zoned off to the wonderland so early, due to the tiresome lectures received at my institute, and he left me alone to have my respite .
But surprisingly,the following morning after I had taken my bath and was going through some statistics exercise; preparating myself for a test, I needed to wake him up to start preparing for his Arabic school as well. It took him some minutes to fully regain consciousness but when he finally did , he started jam-packing me with his questions and I couldn't stop wondering why he so love requiring about knowledge .
we were that way discussing until his mum needed to come and remind him of how he will pay half of his lunch fee if he refuse to appear early at school , and that was how he finally succumbed and dash to the bathroom and I pack my bag as well and left for the institution.
Ahmod is a tolerant and respectful boy, always brimming with smile and he loves talking ,also he had a notch of jocularity in him. Amidst all Ahmod posses a kind of rare magnetic brain. What I mean is , once he heard something ,even if he isn't paying full attention to it, you will be surprised the day he will report or remind you of that event.
I heart Ahmod .
May the Lord ,Grant him more wisdom , knowledge and brilliancy.

© Oluwaninshola