

True Life story Version 2 ®™
If you know that you gonna get married to a woman or a man, that means you love him/her out of the ladys or mens in the world. You have vow to be with him/ her till the end. Your souls have been unite to one. You have said " For better for worse"
"Till eternity " you gonna be with him/her.
Why cheating!? , when you have already made the promise to God and to your souls.
Why looking outside when the gift you bought from the altar is inside of your house.
If you can't maintain it, how well did you think of yourself.
A lady get married and bears four children for her husband. Her husband was a businessman and a type of person that loved women alot. So he sees his wife as a tired material after she has gave births to four children already. So the man secretly start dating alot of women without the woman knowing. One day the woman notice her husband never gave her attention and he didn't look at her anymore. Kisses, love, romance, sex, funny talks, hugs.... all die out.
She knew that something is wrong. She decide to follow her husband to the park. He usually goes there a lot.
Her husband on knowingly what's happening met the lady she's dating online.
The exchange kiss with each other. When the woman saw that she dies inside immediately. Was she to cry? Was she to take her children and leave? Was she to file a divorce and hold that as an evidence against her husband?
But she loved him!!
She went back home and almost cried out her eyes. She argue with her husband many times, eventually end up getting beaten.
One evening, her husband decided to travel they next day not saying a reasonable destination. She already knew he was gonna meet they remaining bitches. She took her children ran away in the morning. Those child mean alot to her husband.
Things went bad from the moment she left.
From business failure to sickness. He suffered through his life.
Why getting married when you know your not ready for it.
Life can be cruel sometimes..... Yes! But, to cheat! Hell no!.. You ain't doin such.
Everything everybody do in this world know there's judgement for that. Judgement for good!, Judgement for bad!.
You either love one or die one.
If you wanna cheat why don't you marry the bitch so you can have a second wife. I have no problem with that peoples do have two wives. But to break a vow lay on the altar.....
Man... You must face the consequences..
This young lady made the right choice...
If she would stay in that house.. That's mean you are only married to bear children after that your chapter is close.
Same apply to ladys!...
Don't cheat!

© RM