

Cristiano Ronaldo:the untold story
RONALDO:the king of football

we know nobudy is born great one becomes great and Ronaldo is born to
become a footballer .
everyone knows about his success his worth and yeah! some of you may also
know about his past life which i am gonna tell you

👑 THE story of struggle to success

This starts on 5th Feb 1980 when
Maria Dolores Dos Santos and Jose
Dinis Aveiro wecomes their yougest child and dinis Aveiro [father] named
him after his favorite actors Ronald reagon "Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro"Ronaldo grew up up 8n a busy neibourhood and a home overlooked and shares home with siblings due to their poor😭😭 conditions he was interduced by the
game soccer by his father .

but a success without struggle is nothing his father serves as equipment Manager at a boy's club . his life face so many obstacles as his father consum lots of alcohol but this is not
the one he faced many struggles in
climbing the ladder of success.
to fed his children his mother works as a cook and cleaning person by the age of ten he becomes a kid which soon gonna create history 8n feild of soccer even he knows to kick at the
age of ten 10 he loves the game too much he escape out from window with a football when he supposed to
to do his homework . Ronaldo even suffered from a deseace " racing heart'
but he recovered soon . he also expelled from his school for tossing a seat at his educater but that's when his mother started him supporing for game.

his all harships gonna end after a stint withnacional da liha the madeira he signed with supporing poutugal in
2001 when he was just 16
in 2005 when Ronaldo was playing for
manchester United his father died
from a kidney related problem due
to over consuming of alcohol.

Ronaldo turned to geat highest of success in 2007 he signed a 5year
31million contract and in 2004FA worldcup he scored first goals and help team to won championship

in 2016 he got his fourth ballon d'Or
beating FCB's lional Messi he also got
the fifth one . In 2018 he signed
with Italian Aclub Juventus .

And this journey of success is still
going on due to his hard work and
heartwork he lies in the hears of
billion people.

till now he never stop his hard work
he was blessed with 2 daughters and
2 sons .
may he make uncountable records

⚽Till Now Nobudy Was Born Like Him And Nobudy Will born⚽
