

I don't know where to start with this story. I'm kind of shaken by reality at it's best . 2021 has shown the world flames that are unbarable. They say a mother looks out for the best on their children. They want happiness & joy upon their kids. Well mine is completely different, she is so toxic that I dont want to be home anymore. I tried all my patient researches & meditations. She only thinks for her selfish needs & happiness. I guess I wouldn't want to raise a child if this is wat a mother entitled.

My imagination goes so wild dat I count to 3 , hoping to disappear far away. I'm human as every person in this world. But i'm starting to feel dead in this toxic environment. I look around me & see no one. I close my eye & feel pain. I awake in da morning & see harsh realities.

I want to run so far were no one will know me or talk to me. Y didnt she kill me if this is wat she brought me in this world for. for personally dont appreciate manipulation.

I learnt something within these days. That I'm alone & have me to depend on.
© crazy poet