

Alphonis The Living Universe.
Amorra's Intro Part One: The Beginning Of Time.

"For those who are curious about where they live, or what they live in... Listen to this to understand more about our growing universe. Most intilligent species try and understand the confusion of how the universe was made, but it wasn't made but it was born like almost all species..." "Uh Mrs. Amorra?" a teenager great one boy asked with his hand waving in the air. "Yes?" Amorra asked patiently. "You're saying that we live in someone?" he asked as others nodded their heads or chuckled. "Yes... Now let me explain." she said as she looked at her book. "Before the universe was born there was life, and it was simple. It first started as dark matter that mixed with a few other elements to create living creatures. Their home was a massive world of darkness known as The Black World. These creatures had only three main instincts, eat, get stronger, and claim territories." A pencil flew by her head but she ignored it and kept reading after a small pause. "The creatures fought too much over time that it caused their numbers to drop too much. It also caused the elements to change, known as element confusion. The dark matter made species had just two genders, male and female, until element confusion made a third gender known as a hiriatsue or a both gender. These were extremely rare and when element confusion got worse it caused the species to not form. Fights became less frequent exept when they needed to eat, and then they later got hormones that led them to mate opposite genders. Hiriatsues couldn't usually produce live birth since their hormones were too complex. The results of these creatures mating were the production of much stronger of their kind and new species. This was the next step for The Black World's dramatic change. With these new species or better species of their own, they grew intelligence. It changed the most when a hiriatsue gave live birth to a healthy baby. The child was a new species known as a Zeramorphis, or a species with advanced elements in its veins. The child was female but carried the hiriatsue gene." "Are you a hiriatsue?" a girl greater one asked a boy sitting next to her. He didn't reply to her and kept his eyes on the teacher. "The child grew bigger and stronger than any of the species in The Black World. She also had great intelligence that later developed the first language known as Hylatorus and called herself Alphonis. She went to looking for a mate after five billion years of her life that consisted of claiming territories and fighting off others that were a threat to her.
She crossed many territories to find a worthy male, and that's when she found an unuasualy large male who also carried a part of the hiriatsue gene. They became mates after they thought each other was worthy. After a sucsessful try, Alphonis carried a child. It was near time to birth the child when her mate suddenly changed for the worse. He got angrier and more protective over his territory. He even started attacking his mate, she didn't fight back because she thought he'd over come whatever he was going through. But he didn't and after she retreated then came back, he tried to kill her. With the new production of his species, his kind was given a venom that kills his prey by poisoning their blood with a dark matter substance. She tried to dodge his attacks but he bit her on her head and she retreated. Her body was strong so she could give birth to the child, but she wouldn't survive much longer after the child was born. Her maddened mate went to find her, not to finish her off but to claim his child. He found her in labor and dying, so he sat and waited. She didn't want him to have the child after what he had done to her so she would protect the child to her last breath. When the baby was born, she knew it was going to make the biggest changes in The Black World. The hiriatsue that could change genders (Anamorphis species) baby fed on its mother than slept as its mother tried to stay awake to protect it from the impatient father. He didn't want to risk hurting the child so he continued to wait. When the baby woke, she opened her four red glowing eyes for the first time. But it when she did, she sent out a massive power surge that ended her mother's suffering and made the father retreat. The baby was left alone for days weak and hungry since it couldn't feed on its mothers dead body. The child was crying and fineally was heard by a passing dark matter made being. He called himself Hirakou, since he too had his own language. He took the child in after realizing how different she was and he knew about her mother. He fed the child small peices of meat and he slowly taught her his language which was her mother's. The child was also then named Alphonis like its mother. After five months when her new father came back from hunting food, he found that Alphonis had completely changed. Alphonis's veins could be seen in her body because they were glowing with what's known as the universe. She had grown to over half his size, grown two more large dragon-like wings, two more long ears, another set of long and golden teeth, a pair of middle legs, two more long tails with swords on their end, five guills on each side of her neck, a long black mane that goes from head to the top of her long three tails, a total of four long golden horns, twenty hearts, six lungs, and a large amulet of time on her forehead that contains her knowledge and power. After she learned about herself and how to control her new self with the help of her amulet which has its own personality and voice, she decided to move out of her father's territory and find her own. She turned a large part of The Black World's territory into what's now known as The Outer World, she created large cities and an army that she named The Order to protect herself from enemies. After around ten billion years of age, she created an inner form to protect herself on the inside and to protect growing life in her veins." "Thats creepy, how does that work?!" a greater one blurted out. Amorra gave him a look then he quietly said that she could continue. "But when she created an inner form, she had created another weakness, a solstice. A solstice is when one of her forms go into hibernation for a long time while the other form wakes up. When she is hibernating in her outer form she is more vulnerable to Black World enemies, so it's very helpful to have an army to protect her. She created a place inside herself and made The Order's inner forms that wake up in her instead of themselves. The Order doesn't get solstices as long as she does and that's considered to be their shifts since they don't get solstices at the same time. The universe is Alphonis's veins and I will explain that after lunch." Amorra said as she saw that it was three minutes before lunch time. The kids quickly husseled out of the room and chatter soon filled the halls. That gave Amorra time to do her daily report and then eat.