

the key
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it less i knew i will really get it !
If i go in falshback , i remember it was 5 years hence , the last i visited my village !
there i was sitting in lawn with my granny and cousins, feeling the mesmerizing brezze , and enjoying the coffee and the sunset !
Sudeenly my grandmother said that our old outhouse has a drower in which she had kept all the things which were of great value for her !
Annie (my cousin) asked if from value she meant the valuables !
laughing a bit my granny replied" no darling the items are not of great monetary value , but are priceless for me since they are the heridatery stuffs , which was in her house since last 7 generations ! "
we were all amazed that how could they preserve it for so long !!!

Jokingly i said my granny , ok !then give me the key i will keep that safely with me !

Giving a bit serious look., my granny said " My love for all of you are same , but my love for that heridatery vase is of greater, i will give the key to that person whom i belive could really preserve it "!

Listening to that...the mood of all changed from funny to a bit serious ! as we knew....granny was serious !

I hope she noticed us all at those times , and when today i got the key i could not belive it was me amidst all of them whom granny trusts a lott !?

© shambhawi jha