

For God so loved the world
For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son that whoever believes in Jesus shall not perish but have eternal life...Love one another for love is from God.

So it is important to love..So never forget that you can only go to heaven by loving one another. Jesus is the best thing in my life...He is so beautiful and kind..His love is unconditional.

So my advice is never give up on Jesus..He is the only true God..May God bless you..May Jesus bless you always..May God shine His radiate beauty upon your life.

So God loves us..so much...Always have faith..Never lose your belief in Jesus no matter what you have to endure in life.

May Jesus bless you always...Love the lord your God unconditionally. love your neighbour. This is the commandments of the bible. The second coming is at hand

May Jesus bless everyone who are reading my writting. All blessing and honour glory and power belong to Jesus. Jesus is the most high God always.