

That Perfume On The Table
The perfume was left on the table
And where was the owner
well she was in the garden
killing weeds and hurrying a rug
with her late husbands body in it.
Oh it was crazy but true
she drank tea with me in the evening
And the police came and got her
one day right from this very table.
Oh why she did it who knows
But some say it was about money
And others say it was her and she
was crazy. And now I lived to tell
there story of 1907 and she was a
young woman with many secrets
And oh it was a time of finding
And creating life for yourself
To get to know. What you could use
To make money and she did it by
baking muffins and cakes and selling
it. And they bought a store and made
it work. Then he had an affair an she
off him. A crime of passion they called
it. An she ran that store for almost
A century without anyone saying
she did it. But. Until the customers noticed his ghost and then they were
scared away in the day and night.
Then the police got her one day at
my table and put her in jail. Can you believe it his ghost told on her. Weird
And strange But his spirit in the after
life told on her by haunting her oh!

© Mar that