


Jen is a teenager not yet in her 20s who loves adventure so much that she strayed, far away from home. Join me as we travel into the world of Jen the Light.

Chapter 1: Jen the Light

Jen was a silicon human from the planet Plasma. Unlike humans on Earth, Jen and her siblings had the unique ability to enhance energy inside of them due to the Cosmic staff each one carried, which held a pin drop of the energy of a star.

Plasma, a planet about the size of Earth with a star system like Earth, had a population of one million silicon humans.

Jen had two sisters, Zoron and Zoid, and a brother called Citron.

They were a close-knit family, and Jen had always been the curious one. She had a thirst for knowledge and was always eager to explore new worlds.

On one fateful day, Jen decided to travel through the light gate on Plasma from inside her home. She had done it before, but this time she forgot to add in her destination, which was a rule on Plasma.

She felt a sense of excitement and anticipation as she stepped through the gate, but as soon as she emerged on the other side, she realized her mistake.

She was not on Plasma anymore. Instead, she found herself standing on the surface of the Moon, near the Earth. Jen felt a wave of panic wash over her as she tried to figure out how to get back home.

She had never been to the Moon before, and she didn't know how to navigate her way back to Plasma.

As she looked up at the Earth, Jen felt a surge of curiosity. She had heard about humans before, but she had never seen one. She decided to explore the Moon and see if she could find any signs of life.

Jen walked for what felt like hours, but she saw nothing but rocks and craters. She was about to give up when she heard a strange sound. It was a low, rumbling noise, and it seemed to be getting louder.
Jen followed the sound until she saw a strange object in the distance. It was a metal machine, and it was moving towards her. Jen felt a sense of excitement and fear as she watched the machine get closer and closer.
As the machine approached, Jen saw that there were humans inside. They were wearing strange suits and helmets, and they looked just as surprised to see her as she was to see them.

Jen tried to communicate with the humans, but they didn't seem to understand her. She tried to explain that she was from another planet, but they just looked at her in confusion.

Jen felt a pang of disappointment. She had hoped that her encounter with the humans would be more exciting. But as she turned to leave, she heard a voice calling out to her.

"Wait!" the voice said. "Don't go."

Jen turned around to see a young human girl standing in front of her. The girl looked up at Jen with a sense of wonder and curiosity.
"What are you?" the girl asked.

Jen smiled. For the first time in a long time, she felt a sense of connection with someone. She realized that even though they were from different worlds, they were not so different after all.

"I'm Jen," she said. "I'm from a planet called Plasma."
The girl's eyes widened in amazement.
"Can you show me?" she asked.

"Jen hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded. She knew that revealing her world to a human was a risk, but she couldn't resist the opportunity to share her knowledge with someone.
Jen raised her Cosmic staff and concentrated all her energy on it. The staff began to glow with a bright, white light, and a portal opened in front of them.

The human girl gasped in amazement as she saw through the portal, but this came at a cost - opening the portal had drained Jen's energy halfway.

But something else had also happened. When Jen opened the portal, the "One of Light", a powerful quantum computer, detected Jen's location."

"The Gift"

Jen had hitched a ride aboard the Starship with the crew of three to Earth. She had only known the young astronaut woman by the name of Hope. With a flick of her eyes, Jen's suit with its advanced nanotechnology made her invisible to the rest of the crew. Jen was excited to meet her new friend Hope.

After the Starship landed and all the crew got off, Jen found herself going with Hope to her house. Hours of mission briefing had passed, and Hope had offered to show Jen around the city.

As they arrived at Hope's house, Jen revealed her gift to her friend. The trees and plants surrounding Hope's home had all grown better and healthier because of the energy that Jen was giving off. It was a special type of growth power, influenced by the Light Staff that Jen had.

Hope was amazed and thanked Jen for her gift. Jen then offered to help her friend in any way she could, knowing that her energy could be used for good.
"Jen Helps Hope"

Hope was grateful for Jen's offer to help. Jen quickly got to work, using her energy to help the plants and trees around the neighborhood grow stronger and healthier. People started to notice the positive changes and began to thank Hope for her hard work in keeping the area so beautiful.

Jen and Hope became inseparable, spending hours each day working together to make the neighborhood a better place. They would use their combined energy to create beautiful flower arrangements, prune the trees and bushes, and water the plants.

As time went on, Jen's influence on the environment grew stronger. She had become a guardian of the plants, and her energy had spread far beyond the neighborhood. The people in the city noticed the changes and would often stop by to see what was happening.

Jen and Hope had started a movement, one that would change the way people thought about the environment. They had shown that with a little bit of energy and care, anything was possible with new technics in quantum fusion.

Jen, said to Hope, that she reminded her of her one sister.

The Ring Door

Jen's expertise in quantum computing and the advanced technology of her planet were a game-changer for Hope's research. As they worked together, Jen shared her knowledge and showed Hope how to harness the power of light to create a quantum computer that could solve complex problems in seconds.

Hope was amazed by the possibilities, and with Jen's help, they made breakthrough after breakthrough. Their research was groundbreaking, and they were on the cusp of creating a new era in technology.

But as they delved deeper into their work, Jen began to realize the true impact of their discoveries. They were not just changing history, but they were also altering the course of humanity's future. Jen knew that they needed to be careful, but at the same time, she couldn't ignore the thrill of pushing the boundaries of what was possible.

Despite the risks, they continued their research, and their work paid off. They had created a quantum computer that could revolutionize the world, and they knew that they were on the brink of changing everything.

The future was now in their hands, and they were determined to use their discovery for the greater good.

Little did they know their work would have far-reaching consequences, beyond their wildest imagination. The implications of their research would go on to shape the course of history and redefine what was possible for generations to come.

Jen mentioned to Hope, that her actions she reminded her of Zoid one of her sisters.

Hope mentioned to Jen that she must admit that she was afraid, the first time she met, Jen, but at that time Jen’s Cosmos Staff, helped Hope, in showing her that Jen meant no harm.

In a way this is a protective measure for Jen and her people on the Planet Plasma, which is part of their survival.

As Jen started the Quantum drive and gave it power, there was a slight vibration around them. Somehow Jen altered an event. It was nothing at first, but days later astronomers observed a small bright light that, was just above the planet Jupiter.

As Jen started the Quantum drive and gave it power, there was a slight vibration around them. Somehow Jen altered an event.

It was nothing at first, but days later astronomers observed a bright light coming from Jupiter, unlike anything that they had seen before.

Telescope observers and those in the aware baffled and couldn’t explain what was happening.

The light kept getting brighter and brighter until it became a blinding white light that engulfed Jupiter.

The light was shaped like a ring, and it wasn’t a black hole but a dimensional portal. It was created by the powerful supercomputer on the planet Plasma known as the One Light.

The computer through the portal was trying to call her back home in her mind.

Hope was Jen’s friend who had been with her since she first contacted Jen. Hope knew that Jen had to go back home to Plasma.

Jen was moved by the people on Earth. What she liked the most was that people showed love and happiness despite their limited abilities.

The Return Home

One day, as Jen and Hope were exploring the forest, Jen turned to her friend and said, "Hope, I have to tell you something. I only have three days left on this planet before I have to go back to Plasma."
Hope's face fell. "What? But we've only just started exploring together! You can't leave so soon."
Jen smiled gently. "I know, and I don't want to go either. But I have a responsibility to my people back on Plasma. I have to go back and share everything I've learned here."
Hope sighed, but then an idea struck her. "Wait, Jen. I think I have a way to help you stay longer. But I need your help to do it."
Jen's eyes lit up. "What is it? Tell me."
Hope took a deep breath. "I want to build a Quantum drive. I know it sounds crazy, but I've been reading up on it and I think I can do it. But I need your help to harness the power of light to make it work."
Jen's face lit up with excitement. "A Quantum drives? That's amazing! But it's not just about harnessing light. We'll also need to use some of the advanced technology from my planet. But I think we can do it together."
Over the next few days, Jen and Hope worked tirelessly to build the Quantum drive. Jen taught Hope how to use the light staff to control the energy flow, while Hope used her knowledge of physics to create the intricate machinery needed for the drive.
As they worked, Jen realized that she was learning just as much from Hope as Hope was learning from her. She was amazed by the girl's intelligence and determination, and by her unrelenting spirit of hope.
Finally, on the third day, the Quantum drive was ready. Hope looked at Jen with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Okay, Jen. Are you ready to try this?"
Jen grinned. "Absolutely. Let's do this."

Hope activated the Quantum drive, and Jen felt a surge of energy course through her body. Suddenly, the world around her began to blur, and she felt herself being propelled through space at an incredible speed.
When she opened her eyes again, she found herself back on Plasma. Her family and friends were gathered around her, staring at her in amazement. "Jen, you did it! You travelled to Earth and back!" her brother Zen exclaimed.
Jen smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for her new friend Hope. "Yes, I did. But I couldn't have done it without a little help from my friend."