

Aug 26th, 2005 Sadness from my Eye's Sadness from your eyes, Pain from your Heart Empty Soul Searching for One Another. looking too close yet too far away. My body so lost, my mind so twisted, my thoughts so cruel. My Soul is with you and my Body is so confused. The wall that stood so proud and beautiful fell into pieces. Searching for closer or even aan answer to why. I lost all control of my world that was yours and mine. Sadness feels my eye's, body, mind and my twisted soul. Searching for Entinery in Time. Holding on to what is left of yours. Praying for forgiveness and Whispering for your Love and Protection. I would love more then any thing to take back my broken promises. I didn't mean to punish you this much for hurting me over and over. Like a twister my life turned upside down. So lost, confused, scared, lonely and empty. My thoughts took control and that's what made me lose total control. Once again I slowly placed my piece's back together. I'm taking My control Back. I promise to take the sadness from your eye's I will twist my soul around your heart and I will never let you go again. Please Forgive me so we can start this New Chapter in Time. Souls so Twisted and looking for one another You truly make my world Complete. Love Always your, Lady sealed with a hug and kisss DanielleFrakes35