

My Pet Dog
Have you seen a little dog
Anywhere about?
A raggy dog, shaggy dog,
Who's always looking out
For some fresh mischief which he thinks
He really thought to do,
He's very likely at this minute
Biting someone's shoe.

If you see little dog,
His tails, up in the air,
A whirly tail, a curly tail,
A dog who doesn't care
For any other dog he meets,
Not even for himself,
Then hide your mats, and put your meat
Upon the topmost shelf.

If you see that Little dog,
Barking at the cars,
A raggy dog, a shaggy dog,
With eyes like twinkling stars.
Just let me know, for though he's bad,
As bad as bad can be,
I wouldn't change that dog for all
The treasures of the sea.
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