

Land of Dead (part-9)
The sound of flute flooding my eardrums. I jumped out of bed and silence fell all over the place. The aroma of Lilies and Lavenders hit my nostrils. "Your mom also loved lilies and lilacs" Dad's voice filled my head. I neared the candle to the wetness near my feet, small droplets of blood was all over the place. I was not a believer of ghosts but the cold sensation sent a shiver through me. The fantasising aroma led me to a window. "Days darker than nights,
Secrets laden sights,
You are the last burning candle light
But darling, be careful of hearts backer than the blackest night"
The flute was singing to me in my head. I felt someone's breath beghind my neck, my legs grew weak by the terrifying sight. Eyes, burning like flames was staring at me from the walls.

........will be continued

© lark lavender