

An Unnatural Bad Action
The study for a disease that puzzled doctors and scientists for centuries has been continued. On the first day, 10 good doctors passed away due to the disease. What in the world is going on?

In March 2020 in India .I wake up with a fresh mood and everything going by my daily routine . I picked up my phone to start to Read newspaper paper while opening the newspaper I am happy to see some positive news suddenly a news that make me netrual .
it a full news regarding a virus that attack people till their death. l was suddenly shocked . Some remidices are presicides in this to confirm this I call my family doctor what's going on.
I asked him to plz advice me he also said I have no knowledge regarding this and their effects so I become dense and thought what's going on the doctor who is known as God said they does not have any knowledge regarding a fatal virus .
I fell very disappointing and went to lord house for mediation.
Write a story about same.