

unfinished sentence....✨
Whenever it comes to worrying, I usually worry about my mental health..... My mental health hasn't always been the best, but when a big tragedy happened to me when I was a young teen, my mental health took a toll for the worse...... It has most definitely improved within the years, but I still struggle here and there.... I really just worry about it because I do not want to do something that would be bad for myself or my loved ones. ....Mental health is something you will fight and deal with for your entire life.

I tend to be moody when people don't treat me right or think it's ok to treat my friends or family poorly. When I'm moody, it goes between 'sassy and classy' and 'attitude and snappy'. In today's world, people think it's ok to just do whatever they want, to say whatever they think in their minds. I'm most definitely the opposite of that, so I hope people will understand that whenever I become moody, that they will understand to not do the actions they think is ok.

I always feel frustrated whenever I don't get something right.... It could be my homework assignment, it could be a big at home project of mine, or even if I'm in a classroom and learning a topic, and I try to answer the question and the teacher says that the answer is incorrect.... That kind of frustration isn't seen as often as some other kinds of frustration. Of course, I really don't want to go into that, because I know for a fact that talking about the other kind of frustration would take days, if not weeks to cover....

I feel peaceful whenever I'm sleeping. I know, this sounds quite interesting. Sleeping is perhaps the most peaceful thing in the world, but there are times in which it is not. I like to sleep with a background of rain and thunder playing. The smooth sound of the rain and thunder helps me relax and make my mind in peace a little easier, so it becomes much easier to actually fall asleep. When I wake up the next morning, I feel more refreshed than if I wasn't to have teh background of rain and thunder playing........

I get really mad and upset, and sometimes I even get the strong feeling to yell at whoever is driving me crazy to stop... Of course, I do my very best to not yell if someone is driving me crazy, simply because they would take it as a 'reaction', and therefore would continue their actions to drive me crazy......Even though it isn't actual bullying, the handling of those situations I handle as bullying. I don't like bullying, so perhaps that could be why I do not like when people think it is ok to drive me absolutely crazy. ...But, it is just the way of life, and not only myself, but everyone around me or even in the world deals with it on a daily basis, so it is something that we all must embrace. 🙌
