

Wings of Reckoning - Chapter Two: "Arrangements"

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"Gray, Rori is my friend," Kass lashed out at Grayson when his cousin had insulted Rori. "You have no right to say mean things to her! She can stay in my laboratory if she want to. I like her as my company."

" Now you are telling me that you like to screwing with the lizard that you are supposed to get marry to Narcissa?" Grayson asked.

"No, you just misunderstood what I had said, Gray," Kass answered. "I want you out of my laboratory if you say nasty things about my friend like that." He pointed to the door with his gloved right hand.

"Fine, live your own damn life," Grayson said by throwing a temper. "Besides, you didn't fit to being king." Then he muttered.

Rori saw Kass' cousin exited out the laboratory by slamming the door behind the way out and then she says, "I would better to get going."

"Just ignore what my cousin had said," Kass said. "He didn’t meant to had say those horrible things to you."

"No, It's just not that," Rori shaked her. "I has meant that 'I would better to get going', because I am going to leave to let you'll change."

"Oh," Kass blushed then smiled.

"Anyway, Thank you for standing up against Gray for me like that." She smiled back at him and gave him a peck of kiss on the cheek.

"Well, you did that for me when I was always being bullied by Gray after swordfighting when we were little." Kass removed the leather gloves from his hands. It revealed that they covered with chemical burn scars from his early years when he gave up swordfighting and turns to Alchemy.

"Well, my da always stepped in and help you out during swordfighting," Rori said then shrugged her shoulders. "I wondered why I would help."

Kass laughed lightly. "That's probably because he likes you."

"And I also liked you as well, Kass." Rori was about to turn towards the door, but she turned to Kass then show him the children's book that they used to read when they were little. "Can I keep it?," she asked.

"Oh, Sure," he answered with a nod. "I kept it for years, but I always has forget to give it back to you."

"Oh, Thanks," Rori replied by smiling at the book. I will meet up with you at breakfast."

"Oh okay, See ya soon."

After a few more moments of chit chat, Rori bid goodbye and left, leaving Kass alone in the laboratory while he starts cleaning the mess he had caused.


In the Royal dining room, a man is sitting at the end of the long rectangle wooden table, he appears to looks like an older version of Kasander but in his mid-forties with a trimmed beard and his eyes are dark brown. He is wearing a decorated gown.

"Good Morning, father," Kass greeted his father King Nickolas. His light brown hair groomed back. He is wearing a clean white ruffled shirt that buttoned to the neck and there's a brownish yellow with golden decors. He have a yellow jacket over it and he is wearing light brown breches with his brown leather boots.

"How was your studies are coming along, my dear boy?," asked his father

"Father, I did found a solution to how to transmuted copper into gold," Kass answered with a smile, when he grabs one of sweet pastries that filled with Citrus honey cream with one of clothed gloves.

"Really?" the king exclaimed.

"I putted some copper scraps in a beaker jar that contains mixture of sodium zincate with zinc," Kass explained. "And I putted the beaker over a lighted torch."

"Let me guess, it had blew up on you," said the tall long raven-haired man with pearl-like skin in a white tunic, who rolled his eyes and folded his sitting the left side by Kasander's father. He's Rori's father Corvin and he's the King's Dragon.

"Well, the scraps did changed color before it exploded," said Kass. Kass begins to noticed Rori is waving shyly across the the table when she is sitting next to her father and he waved back.

"Let us discuss about your engagement to Narcissa," said the king, when a dragon servant refilled his father's brass cup with java.

"Hmm," said Kass when he bit a sweet pastries.

"Narcissa and her family from Minervana is coming over with the aircraft for the ceremony."

"Father, what we will tell about dragon folk?" asked Kass while

"Narcissa's father King Ramond already knew about our dragonkind," Corvin inferred. Then he will reveal shocking details: "His ancestors has been hunting down our Dragonkind over past centuries."

"How that's impossible?," Kass suprised by this. "Minervana Is a mostly advanced technologically country. I think there's no way that they are capable to do that."

"They enslaved dragons then kills them for their hearts to use their dragonessenses to power their machines, " Corvin contuinued to explained.

Rori was shocked about this that she had learned that her best friend is about to marry a daughter of the man who's willing to slaughtered her own kind for fuel.

"What in the world that they were thinking," Kass is shocked . "Dragonessense is very lethal to humans."

The King explained, "That's the main reason why your cousin Grayson and I cutted a deal with Ramond. That deal is a truce marriage between you, Kasander my son, and his daughter Narcissa."

It had been a month ago that Kass's father had announced his engagement to Minervanian Princess at the Bouquet on his sixteenth day. Kass remembered he was asking Rori to dance with him and she was wearing a silk white dress that decorated with her signature gemstones: labradorite, she even looks like a princess. But some tall girl in her nineteenth and she's two years younger than Grayson, she bummed into between them and she ended up dancing with him instead Rori. She's wearing exotic red two-parter dress pieces that decorated with rubies, her skin is tan and dark brown hair with vanilla blonde steaks that isn't shinning unlike Rori's and more matted. One of her arm is mechanic and she have sharp dark brown eyes. He was shocked that he had learned that the nineteenth girl's name is Narcissa and he was unexpecting that she will be his future queen.

"What if it's a trap, Nickolas," Corvin argued.

" I did it in favor to free your kinds, Corvin", Nickolas said. "You should be grateful, but you sent my nephew to the stables to clean horsesh*t instead."

"I don't like he talked sh*t to my daughter by calling her a 'lizard',"Corvin fired back.

"I'm sorry that happened," Kass said trying to sooth Rori when his father got angry.

"But if I hadn't of stopped you I know what would happen." The King said nothing and turned back on his cup of java.

" I want to say Thank you for sticking up for Aurora like that," Corvin said with a smile to Kass.

"You are welcomed, master," Kass said to Corvin then he turned to his father and he says: "So, Father, let talk about discussion of matters. I will talk to Narcissa to convince her father to stop killing any more dragon folks, and I will work on a solution with Narcissa to find a suitable replacement for dragonessenses to use a different energy source for their machines. That's the reason you wanted me to marry Narcissa, right, father?"

The King takes a breath and took a sip his java, then he say, "That isn't my plan in mind, but I will agree on it."

Then Kass looks to Rori who's disappointed with his decision then turned to his father; he says to him, "Do we still have time for Dragon-riding? I need some fresh air and talk to Rori about this situation."

"Yes, You guys have plenty of time. It's ten in the morning. Narcissa and her family will arrive here at four in afternoon, but you guys will be here at two in afternoon."

"Aurora, you have to hide your dragon form like our dragonkind when the Minervanian people arrived," said Corvin to his daughter, when she got up the chair.

"Okay," Rori nodded then walked ahead of Kass.

' I guess she's mad,' Kass thought.

"Except last one thing," the king said looks at his son."You need to say apologize to your cousin Grayson."

"But Father, he was the one who started it," he exclaimed. "He should be the one to say sorry."

The King glared at Kass and says, "Your cousin had through a lot."

Kass got up from his chair. "Alright" he said with a frustrated look that he gave to his father while he is finishing his breakfast. He begins to walk away and begins to follow Rori.

After Kass and Rori left, Corvin speaks up: "Won't be hard on the dear boy, Your Sire."

The King snares at Corvin in his chair, "Don't tell me how to raise my boy. He is royal, he isn't one of your kin."