

I surrender to the Lord
Book entitled
The vision,the word and salvation
Written by: apostle Bonifácio

Title:I surrender to the Lord

Brethren,i thank God for having you,truly He sent me the helpers to help me carry my burden...If i was alone I wouldn't be able to carry this burden.

May the holy light of the living God shine down on you as you do your best to help me,remember that by helping me you are obeying the law of the God who lives "Jehovah the Almighty Father".

In time I learned the truth,i thought that I did that because I was expert,but I was just lying to myself,God Himself Is the one who taught me His way.

I came to know who God is and some of His laws,i was happy with that,but one day the truth was stolen from my heart and I blame myself for that because one day I forgot to lock the door of my heart and the enemy entered easily and stole the truth.

God Himself helped me to take His word to the world...I preached a lot about the Son of God whose blood gives life to all the believers,many people began to praise and worship God through the good news that I obtained from Messiah.

I kept on telling the world that Jesus Christ is very near that they should repent and,some of the people who heard that they ran away from darkness to light and the Lamb of God received them.

I serve the Maker of universe but is hard for me to see the changes that I want to see in life.

Sometimes I ask myself "why did I come to this world full of cruelty but I am not the one who chose to be here,God knows why He brought me to this world".

God granted me lot of talents,but I fail to use some of them because the devil makes himself a pillar in my life...God created me,He gave me life full of peace,love and joy,i should have a family to share with them these blessings from Almighty God but whenever I build,the enemy destroys.

Mostly,i fail to choose and, whenever i fail to choose,the consequences swallow my pride.

My deeds fight against the Lord of life,and I regret for that because God is powerful that no one can defeat Him.

I shall bend my knees before the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit,confessing all my wrongs and God will hear my cries because even if I can preach the living word,my prayers can't be answered if my deeds are against what the word of God require.

Father I surrender before You,please fight for me,i serve You but my deeds are against Your rules and that's Satan who hides himself into the wrong path that I take sometimes.

Father,please take care of me,i know You love me.
Fight for me oh living God,i ask everything through Christ Your Son-our Saviour.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen


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