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The two girls jumped over the hopscotch they had drawn on the curb with white chalk. It was their favourite game and they would be at it for hours.They were the best of friends for which the whole school admired them. They were teenagers and the only couple who used to play hopscotch. Others felt this to be really childish and weird but they did not care about those things and did what gave them pleasure. One of them was named Lisa while the other member of this ideal couple was called Sarah. These days, gradually, Sarah was somehow exposed to digital world, which she found cool. She, somehow, also invited Lisa to be into this but Lisa did not want to get into these type of things as she thought that this might take up a lot of her time and the some moments that she got out of her studies, should be spent in fresh air, being a nature lover. Sarah stopped playing hopscotch with Lisa and also did not spend time with her. Everyday, whenever she used to come in the playground, Lisa used to miss her too much. On the other hand, Sarah was with the most ridiculous companions, John and Steve, who pretended to be friends but could never be called one as they were always trying to deteriorate Sarah, who was trapped. John and Steve liked video games and all but did everything in a limit. They knew where to draw a line. At the same, they encouraged Sarah to use technology in the worst way and to the fullest. Lisa was unknown of these things and couldn't stop Sarah from entering this black hole. Sarah gradually found her interest in this digital gaming and at one point of time, she became super addicted to this. She used to feel irritated every time and her hands used to shiver and work as if using the keyboard even if she is not using any device. Her eyes and brain or head used to ache and pain a lot. It got to such an extent that her eyes started bleeding. She was hospitalized and Lisa hurried there to see her when she heard about this thing. Sarah was given pills and was not allowed to use any device for many days and thus, she got over this. Lisa gave her a lot of moral support and was by her side always unlike Steve and John. Sarah understood her mistake and felt really good in the open after a long time. Again, Lisa and Sarah got together, talked and played hopscotch, their favourite game, for hours.