

The Switch......Chapter one
As Lena rushes down the hall her heart pounding in her chest she realizes she's late for school
"Omg no no no no no I can't miss the math test"
Her mom calls out to her "Lena hunny you forgot your lunch"....Lena hurries back grabs the lunch and dashes' out again.

Chase the leader of the football team was just on his way to school he didn't seem to bother he had headphones on and was just walking casually and as he was about to enter the school someone crashes into him..."argggg" he groans looking up just to find Lena "you are you blind now" Lena was chase's enemy they always fought for the top grades and were both popular "not blind just trying to make it to class dufus" Lena replied pulling back her glasses ,chase just stood up and walked away he could help think of how pretty she looked with her glasses her perfect ocean eyes and her black hair which she added purple roots to "no no no chasy she's your enemy she's not pretty just a dork" Chase tried to convince himself..
Lena got to the class before Chase and her bestie June ran up to her " hey girl what took you so long miss camilla said she'd be back in ten for the test I hope you are prepared" " as prepared as a squirrel for summer" Lena replied proudly....
Soon they all sit for the test and as Lena answers the questions swiftly she suddenly saw Chase lean over and she yelled "cheater" Chase just smirked "I'm smatter than you plus four of your answers are wrong" suddenly the teacher appeared and took their papers and gave them detention for cheating,no matter how much Lena and Chase tries to explain she doesn't listen and gives them Fs each....
In detention Chase tries to apologize but Lena just ignores him suddenly Chase gets up and puts his face so close to Lena's,finally Lena spoke up "look haven't you donr enough pls leave me alone how I'm I supposed to be valedictorian now","you never coyld have beaten me in the first place" Lena was instantly disgusted by his pompous attitude and went back to ignoring him....

"I'm sorry okay,I didn't mean it um mm..
what if I make it right"Chase finally suggests "you better" Lena replies with her head in a novel....

When Lena got home her mom saw that she was in a foul mood and Lena told her mom everything"darling, he said he would make it right give him a chance he's a sweetheart" those words irritated Lena "sweetheart my butt,that dude is the worst person in my class, he never stops pestering me if he passes me in a class and he loves making my life hell " "calm down hunny it will be alright"

That night she slept and was very angry at Chase and so did chase sleep thinking of Lena....
Lena just wishes he was out of her life

**the next morning**
"ohhh"Lena moans the moment she opens hr eyes suddenly she let out a shrill scream "where am I " suddenly Chase's mom comes in Chase "darling dont be late for school you got football practice,acting class and also dance class"
"do I look like your dumb head son" Lena rolled her eyes, Chase's mom just stared and left she got up and scratched her head "omg what happened to my hair" she looked in the mirror and saw Chase's reflection"ahhhhhhh this must be a horrible dream I'll wake up soon sure"

*meanwhile in Lena's house*
"Woah how the fuck do I have boobs" as Chase just woke up then he looks at his hand and sees nails he was taken by shock but when he stood in the mirror he screamed"what what what what what is this" suddenly Lena's mom runs in "what's it darling calm down okay" ...
Both Lena and Chase managed to get dressed still thinking it was a dream and the moment they got to school Chase(in Lena's body) pulled Lena(in Chase's body) aside "what are you doing in my body " "I could ask you the same thing " "look this must be some very stupid miss understanding I'm not a girl I can't dress like a girl and I can't kiss your boyfriend I'm not gay " "neither I'm I, look let's research and maybe we will find something"
They both ran to the lab and what they saw on the computer screen freaked them out . .................
(stay tuned for chapter 2☺)
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