

Moments - 2 50am

In the moments I forgot to see and the mind I forgot to wonder comes a new option I never did ask. When she presented to me of what I forgot to see, it upset her. It broke me.

In the feel I forgot to hear, she didn't ever say a word. It appears I am another something that she never noticed. 

I never saw through the facade she forgot to hide. I never looked at the sights she forgot to notice. It was like we were one in each other and yet nothing ever came of it. We never were and always forgot to be.

I looked out the window on a new afternoon that forgot to shine. I questioned the moments I forgot to forget and the issues I resented to resolve. She forgot to include a new moment that I could forget again later.

She sat with me on the couch we forgot to consider. It's neat color that never existed and our minds that were one in too many. We didn't exist in this moment because it was simply easier than doing so.

I don't know why but finally I spoke up. A voice I forgot about let my brain which I gave up on say it's new words and experience the management of existence.

But we didn't want to exist. It was easier. So why did my brain recall this moment? Why did the mind I forgot to recall suddenly reapear? We were fine existing in our non-existent moments that we both always forgot to just forget about and never think or consider about again even though this was easier.

And I had to use the voice I forgot to hear, she had to notice was she forgot. We both had new aknowledgement of new eternitys. We both knew it. 

I stare at the ground I forgot to recognize. She looks at the wall she forgot to remember. We look at each other. For some reason, disatified, my brain which I forgot to let go, speaks out loud again.

"How are you?" 

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