

Sneak Preview - The Sunshine to my Shadow Lover
The following is an extract of a chapter from my upcoming book, "The Sunshine to my Shadow Lover"

This is my first attempt of writing a romantic story that has exceeded more than 2500 words, so to speak. In order to maintain the suspense about the core plot, I am restricting this promo to 600 words :P

If I have your attention and my little love tale has peaked your interest, share this promo with everyone you know and stay tuned for more updates. Till then, my name is Karthik Sreeram Kannan and I have a story to tell.

The happy couple was hugging and was comfortably rested on the bean bag. The Woman out of the blue asked him a question, “Surya, how familiar are you with the Mahabharata?”

Surya made her lift her head up from his chest, looked at her face to check how serious she was and then proceeded to reply, “It’s been a while but I think just enough to answer any trivia questions. Why?”

She continued to ask him, “How familiar are you with the story of Shakuntala?...”

Surya interrupted her, anticipating what she’s going to ask, “Let me stop you right there. If you think that I am ever going to forget you any day. Then it’s conclusive that all this wedding planning has made you go completely berserk.”

The Woman, who did not expect him to guess the question, proceeded to ask him anyway, “Let’s just consider this as a hypothetical situation. What if I forget who you were? What would you do then?”

Surya tried to pull her leg, “Well as a normal guy, I would probably ask for an upgrade now that the old version just crashed…” But before he could finish the sentence, she started pulling off some of his chest hair. Surya cried out in pain, “Ouch. Fine, you are irreplaceable, honey. If you ever happen to forget who I was, I would make it my life’s mission to make you fall in love with me again.” And then proceeded to kiss her on the forehead.

She was a little curious to know the details, “And how exactly would you make me fall in love with you again?”

Surya who was a little tired already from work, “I don’t have any idea how I made you fall in love with me the first time. Wouldn’t be simpler to tell you that I got you pregnant…”

Before he could finish the joke, she started pulling out more of his chest hair. Surya had to beg her to stop, “Okay, okay. I thought we had previously agreed that you won’t pull my chest hair anymore. What gives?”

She replied, “Well, that’s what you get for being an insensitive jerk…”

Surya proceeded to stop her mid-sentence by keeping his hand on her mouth and then said, “I would tell you all our stories. How we first met, how I feel every time you look at me, how it feels like knowing that you will soon be at home waiting for me after a hard day’s work, what happened on our first official date, I would even remind you of this particular conversation on how I will remind you of everything that’s You and Me.”

The Woman looked up and looked at him with her big enlarged eyes, “Do you think that this enough to convince me?”

Surya had only one simple answer to that, “I won’t stop until it does.”

Chaya on hearing all of this realized how much Surya had loved her did not have the heart to break his heart. Suddenly she realized that Surya belongs with Sanjana and the only way to make sure that they end up together is to be the bad guy in their story.

With a heavy heart, she said, “It’s not you and me anymore…”

Turning back to wipe her tears, she said her parting words to him, “I’m sorry.”

Meanwhile Sita who was on the phone with Sanjana gave her an ultimatum, “Remember, you have one shot at this. Don’t mess it up.”