

Live it..Love it..Leave it.. Chapter Two

Sasha started walking towards home..well..it is still a home and family even though she and her mother were its only occupants. Her mother was her great company and ofcourse she had her books..music..films..and few select friends..will it do? She smiled to herself..if ever she tried to do anything apart from her circle she got into trouble..Again she remembered his words very distinctly..
she never expected Nithish to tell them..of all the people..she never ecpected him to do that..which part of him is real? The person who called her everyday for five years...with whom she shared every minute detail of her life..who listened to her patiently...who planned her every birthday to be special and memorable..she always called her 'Queen'..could he utter such things to her?
Maybe she was exagerating the whole thing...it was she who started the argument..perhaps he was irritated by her question and answered like that..may be she should call him once again...oh..he could hurt her again..no..no..NO..
Suddenly she thought about Priya. She was Nithish's colleague who has developed a liking for her..she might help her..she could make Nithish see reason..the more she thought about it..well..it was not a bad idea..she could talk to her..somehow her heart lightened and quickened her pace.
( to be contd)

© nandini bose