

Injustice with India (part-4)
There what the children were learning -As I told you before, Thomas Macaaley was indulged in change or adding the false information in text books. At the same time James Mill in 1878 wrote History of British India, I think this was blunder Mistake as he divided history into three parts -

Hindu Era

Muslim Era

British Era.

Why it is false -

In Hindu era Vedic period is mentioned, but that was not the Hindu era.He mentioned Hindu as religion, but Hindu is not the religion, Hindu or Hindutav is way of life, it is Supreme Court judgement in 1995 ,because Hindu do not follow only one rituals, it have many rituals performed in many places as south way of worshipping is different from North way of worshipping.

Muslim period -Muslim invaders came here, they also suceeded to established Empire, but they never succeed to form this country a Muslim country, so we can not say, the time period as Muslim period.

British Period -The British were also face lose in Andaman and Nicobar Island. But it is not mentioned in our textbooks. (Story be continued.)
© yeshu Goswami