

14 August 2021.
Welcome to the Jawahar Lalla blogs page.
You can also connect with me on the @Jawaharlala blogs page on FB & Instagram Ig: JBLwrites & Twitter: Jawahar 7.
As I am writing this blog, I am wondering why people are running after materialistic things, that will not go along with them when they die?.
Why can't they start collecting stuff which can go along with them to their next birth.??.
If you know the answer pl comment your thoughts.
One thing my parents taught me is to remain humble, modest, down to earth and displaying simplicity as we rise the ladder of success in our journey.
The superficiality of the heart is the mind.The depth of the mind is what we call the heart.Through our good deeds & karma, we move from complexity of mind to the simplicity nature.
Simplicity is being contended with all the circumstances which shape our lives without worrying. Simplicity gives birth to inspiration.Simplicity is straightforwardness and harmonisation in thought, speech, and action which we perform every day .
Straightforwardness in establish following actions :
Our thoughts which includes absence of deception, betrayal, covetousness, crookedness etc.
Our speech which includes absence of taunt,production, jealously condemnation, gossip, exaggeration, etc.
Our actions which includes plainness in living, forthrightness in our behavior, etc.
True inner joy & happiness comes with the simplicity as our mind and the senses become quiet and peaceful.
Enjoy the simplicity weekend with my good wishes for 75 independence day we all Indians would be celebrating on coming Sunday 15 August 2021.
@Jawahar Lalla.#jawaharlalla#jawaharlallablogs#Instagram Ig: JBLwrites#blogs#simplicity#inspiring#motivating#blogs.
