

One odd summer night
Richa had always thought of going to India , being in England for almost 2 decades she had almost forgotten what it was like . Now that she had finally completed her studies and was set out to start her job of being a psychiatrist
She thought before she gets busy with her life , she should visit her home land
She informed her parents But told them to keep her visitation a secret from her relatives save her cousin who was going to pick her up , for she wanted to give them a surprise .

As soon as her plane landed , she saw someone at the airport carrying the sign board of her name . Rich went up to them and she meet her cousin Niraj
with whom she fought alot during their children but has now seems to be all grown up. They went all the way chatting he told her how got out of the house of seeing of friend who was in the hospital .
When they arrived the gates of the house were opened and as they went it everyone stared at Richa for , they couldn't recognise her . when they went inside the house Richa went to her grandmother and hugged her real tight , who immediately from the cuddle recognised her then she went up and greeted everyone . They all welcomed her with great love and were great amazed by her etiquettes .
Her cousins gave her the tour of the house as they were passing from rooms to rooms she saw somebody locked in one of the rooms . she asked the reason and was told that it was her aunt Hina
they had to lock her inside because theey were told she was possessed by some evil spirit for , from she can't be a mother and than now her husband has died . Richa was completely taken aback by the backwardsness of thoughts
She being a psychiatrist just didn't believe in any of this .She tried to convince her grandfather to let her go out with her
for, Richa thought a light outing , a change in environment would bring a light into matter. After much persuasion they agreed
Richa with her Aunt and Cousin set out for Jaipur Richa had always missed her hometown Rajisthan and especially the pink city . Talking about the childhood days , re-remembering the days , they all were happy and joyful throughout the drive . But Hena kept moan she didn't even utter a signal word . When they reached Jaipur Richa caught herself being mesmerized with the beauty of Jaipur . For the first time see could Hina being a little optimistic and smiling just a bit .Richa wanted to talk to her then but, something just made her stop
They all really enjoyed themselves , not realising the time . When they came out of their mesmerizing spell . they saw that it would be dark in around half an hour and that it is not just wise to drive at night . They all decided to stay at the hotel near by for the night
After check-in in her room , Richa got her notebook and started writing about Hina . when she finally came to a conclusion about Hina's condition
she got a text , telling her to come outside to have icecream
All of her cousins were just roaming about the street eating ice cream and chatting. Hina, was just in front of Richa , Richa finally was just about to say something to her but just then she noticed her laces were opened . as soon as she