

Meeting Place Of The World

We live in a world of limitations and restrictions to our physical existence but our spirits/souls wish to roam free. We learn something new everyday from every experience regardless of their nature but how we see the lesson from the experience determines how we feel about it. This is because the physical side of life compliments the intangible side of life rather than work in an antagonistic way. By knowing what is in us we can see the world and ultimately the universe for what it really is. By listening to and understanding each other we can realise and unlock the truth to the questions in life and possibly our existence. It is not about who leads the path but where the path leads to. Our experiences may differ with space and time but our lessons remain the same. This books main aim is not to point out the best answer but piece together the similarities in all answers. There’s no end without a beginning so to know it all one has to accept that the glass is half full and half empty.

© Nimrad Robinson