

My Father

Once upon a time a farmer and his son lived in a village. When his son was 9 months old his wife passed away.Afer some years when his son finished his👨🏻‍🎓 graduation he came to his father and said dad my graduating is completed and I got a job and I want to go bombay next week but, i can't live without you dad so, come to bombay with me please dad please.Then his father replied i am a farmer i can't speak English like u and i cannot live thare comfortable.I have my responsibilities.I can't live this village because your mother died in this village without her memories i can't live a day😞. Then the son ready to go bombay next week by listening his father's words.After some days when he reached to bombay it is very difficult to live without his father. After a couple of weeks it is better to live there. He became very busy with his work that he could not make a phone call to his father.His father was very afraid of him because he did not make a phone call from one year.By living there he became very selfish and gave more preferences to money than people.Afer some days his father make a phone call to his son but, he did not lift the phone.Again his father make a phone call at that time his son lift his phone and said that can't u have common sense i am very busy with my work why did u call me can't u understand why I am not lifting your phone it's waste of time to talk people like u and listen from now onwards dont tell to any body that I'm your son. it's so embarrassing to to listen that I'm a son of a farmer who can't earn proper money.By listening his word the farmer felt very sad and got a thought that if he suicide it will be gave happiness to his son and made suicide. After knowing the suicide of his father the son came from bombay.And he told that it's shame to me that I'm a son of a farmer. By listening his words the neighbours told that your are felling shame to be an farmers son. when your a kid your father take care you as ur mother and sold some his property for your graduation and you are shame to be a farmers sons. Do you know people must pray to farmer before eating food and you are shame to be a farmers sons . shame on your self that you have turned into a selfish.Then he realized that he had made a big mistake and began to cry as a kid by remembering his past..

Friends this is my first story please encourage me