

The Yellow Door...
(Part 16) A Strong Decision

Lucinda remained silent. She couldn't say anything. She didn't know what to say. A strange pain filled her heart. Her eyes welled up. She started running from there. She felt like she had no idea .She ran and stood in front of the palace. The sea that was raging in her mind started to melt and flow through her eyes. She burst into tears. She sat crying in the courtyard of that palace. Her tears fell deep into the ground. "Lucinda..., the voice rang in her ears.For the first time she was relieved by the voice she had been hearing with fear for so long. She wiped away her tears. But the pain that filled her was so deep. Lucinda closed her eyes and called out, "Kieran".. .Her voice filled the air with a tone of love and pain. She slowly smiled. Old stories have been unraveled. She stood like a calm flowing river. Her smile was full of love. Again she said loudly.., Kieran...., I came again..., Just for you... Her words echoed in that forest.Flowers fell like rain on her in the wind that came from nowhere. She was satisfied with that. She imagined herself the character of the princess in the magical stories she had heard and forgotten. She merged all past events into emptiness. Somehow Kieran seemed like a dream to her. Lucinda..., Lucinda..., Eric knocks her awake. She slowly opened her eyes. Lucinda wakes up from some magical world. She looked at Eric. I have decided that..., I am going to enter this palace. I don't know what's going to happen next or how to use my powers. But it is my duty to save him. He is not someone who should be locked in that room..., why should he suffer for the wrong done by this society? I am going to...,to enlighten him....I don't know if my attempt will succeed. But I will try. I have learned many lessons from that 17-year-old girl who walked helplessly back then. She and I are still weak, and fear always overwhelms me. But I will try, to find the humanity in Kieran….” said Lucinda. Eric looked at her in surprise. She slowly walked towards the palace door.

She slowly touched the door. That door was opened for her. He's awake.... Eric shouted. Lucinda entered with a little Smile .Suddenly That door closed. She was not afraid. She walked forward. For her the whole palace was filled with light. She slowly climbed the stairs. She crossed wide rooms and corridors and came to stand in front of that yellow door. She slowly raised her hands to touch the door. Suddenly grandmother's spirit came there. lucinda..., you are wrong..., you can't save him. He is not a human. A vampire is always filled with cruelty. I know whose words leading you to came here. They are a vampires. They don't have human emotions. You are trying to save him for them. why? Grandma asked. Grandma, I didn't choose to do it for anyone. He is not a human, I know that well. But he was turned into a beast by a number of humans. That reality is what has brought me here today. It was those vampires who told me the truth, as my grandmother said. I saw no fault in them. I trust them. But I didn't trust any of the human I saw. They have always told lies. How much truth was there in what the people of Downham told me? They just lied. What they suffered was the result of their wrongdoing. A family's pain and tears will haunt them forever. They deserve it. I will set him free. That is my decision. Lucinda said. Her grandmother's spirit looked into her eyes, which shone with determination. Today they realize that they cannot correct her. Lucinda.., everything you say is true. But no one is alive now who treated him cruelly. He killed them all. If you let him out, he will go back to that village for revenge. You can't control him. You can break my magic spells. I can't stop you. Think again..., you are going to make a big mistake.go back from this..., this is my request. Lucinda was silent for a while. And then said, Grandmother.., I can control him. I brought him under my control when I was only 17 years old. I can still do that. I am not trying to get him out to take revenge on anyone. To bring him back to a normal form like Eric. If he could control his powers himself, he wouldn't have to lie in this room as a slave. Grandma, I want to save him. So don't try to stop me yet. Saying this, Lucinda tried to open the door. She couldn't open it. She made a cut in her hand and held the doorknob with the blood. Then the door was opened for her. Grandma's soul could only watch it helplessly. Lucinda entered the room. Suddenly the door slammed shut...

© enigma🦋
#story #vampire #fantasy