

Murder he wrote
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her... he was confused and angitated seeing such a brutal kill infront of him and he was the one who committed it what could have driven him to do such a thing, he had to get out of there fast but if he leave without her wouldn't it seem supsious after the body was discovered. What the hell was he to do? The only thing he remembered was leaving the party down stairs the hotel and they came up kissing on each other like savages, her lipstick was stained on his shirt, his button was ripped open and his scratches on his neck where she had crawed him, but wasn't he in love with her was she is wife, if so why the hell did he killed her and why can't he remember anything before the party and after this gruesome slaughter. He was pacing around the room frantically beating his head, crying out softly to himself trying to remember a name, yes! a name he was familiar with someone who had help him before In a situation like this. Whats the dam name? is it Frank! no! no! that's not it it's Tony Mitchell yes! that's it. Where's the damm phone he taught to himself, he had place it on the drawer after receiving a very disturbing message. What was it again, some of it was all coming back to him he's now remembered, he's a dam Mayor running for President and the young lady wasn't his wife but his mistress and she was blackmailing him for Two million dollars he was willing to pay her until she told him she was pregnant and was going to keep the baby. He told her that it was impossible and she should terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible, she refused and told him she would let everyone know of it. She slap him across the face and he grab her by the throat but she was putting up an resistance so she crawed him with her nails, he realease her neck but she started to panick and he was trying to reassure her that he didn't meant it, but she was screaming but the music playing next door was really loud. She always carried a knife in her purse so she hastenly retrieve her bag and pulled out the knife and was telling him not to come closer but he lunged at her so fast she didn't see it coming and punch her in the face, she fell to the ground and the knife was flung across the room she was crying in panick and shock, he ran to retrieve the knife but when he turned around she had hit him with a vase and out of anger with the knife in his hand he started to stab her repeadly, she staggered backward towards the bed and fell.
© Keryiann Mcneil