

You're my world/Ch3
-Excuse you?- i said as i saw stupid blondie pointing at my friends.

-And you?! You even dare to talk back? Who even are you?! I haven't seen you around-

-Sure you didn't, -i slamed the table and stood up- listen blondie i have no idea who the heck are you and i honestly don't care, if you insult them one more time i'll make sure you never walk again.-

She was standing there in shock and so did Kate and Mari, I was confused.

When the blondie got herself back she answered- Obviously you stupid maids don't know i am Blake's girlfriend! And my baby boo wanted me to come! Maybe he even wanna propose to me!

When i heard, oh God when i heard i literally burst out laughing and wiping of my tears. She seemed pissed, i put on numb face and asked girls -Who's this again?-

They low key hid behind me and quickly said: Stella.

-Oh i see, psycho ex.-

-I AM NOT HIS EX!- She screamed.

-Jeez blondie calm down. Indeed you aren't just stupid but blind. First off, i am not a maid second of, you invited yourself because no one normal would invite you.-

-And who are you to talk like that to me?!-

-Lucía Romero if you must know, aka his girlfriend- i smiled at her disgusted face- and i have no idea how did you come in but i see that you're a witch and if you don't leave this house right now, i am going to break every single bone in your body-

Her look was incredible! I laughed so hard that i couldn't stop, but Kate and Mari looked too scared to laugh or even smile, so i decided to get this bitch out-

-Honey listen, i know that you wish you were on my place, i mean look at him he's hot and rich but i am the one he loves- she said while blinking with her plastic lashes towards me.

-Listen dear i don't like him cause of his looks or money and unfortunantely for you i am his girl. So i kindly recommend you to get your butt out of the house.-

-Well he obviously has taste and no, i am not going to leave- she said with her puppy voice.

-Oh you stupid girl, can't you see the truth right in front of you? This is his kingdom, and you're not the queen anymore, i am.. But sure, stay- as i walked to approach her i 'accidently' spilled ketchup all over her yellow dress.


-Whatt no i would never-

She grabbed my hand and cut me with her nails! I got pissed and pulled her precious hair so hard that she fell on the floor. She started crying, but i couldn't care less, I took knife that i was using to cut my main meal and spinned it around the finger (what a deja vu) i laughed and laughed at her scared face.
-Y-you're crazy!-
- Really dear? Am i? - i smirked like a psycho.
-Ye- i stopped her sentence by holding a knife near her neck.
Everybody were staring and some of them were trembling as i could see from the corner of my eye.
-I pulled her by a collar of dress and whispered: Shut up, and listen, stay away from my friends, Blake and me or i'll cut your neck and end your pathetic meaningless life. Blink with those gross eyelashes of yours twice if you understood.
She did, i let her go and threw knife away making it hit the wall.
She ran as fast as she could but still kept speaking, what an annoying woman: Y-you tried to kill me!-
-I barely touched you idiot, i don't want you to bleed on this beautiful carpet. - i smiled

In that exact moment Blake came into the diving room.

-Omg! Are you alright Sky flower!?- He came running to us as i had some blood from her nails.

-Oh Blaky boo i told this stupid psycho that i am your gir-

-Stella i don't have time to deal with you today get lost don't you see she's hurt?-

-But my head hurts too, she pulled my hair so bad and- He checked my wound, ignoring her, even tho i haven't even noticed that it bled. Then he took me to the room where was hidden first aid. He bandaged my scar and asked if i was okay, then i explained him what happened and he laughed so hard i thought i should be the one giving him first aid. He said he was proud of me and also that he's glad that i can stand up for myself (sometimes i think he forgets that i used to work for fbi). But it was fine cause he was too worried to let me sleep by myself so i fell asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat..
Weeks passed pretty quickly and i've had a lot of fun! But, i was upset because Blake has been working much lately so we couldn't really spend time like he's already said. But one afternoon, i was surprised to see him in my room smiling.
-Holá amor!- I said as i hugged him tight.
He chuckled and kissed my head:
-Holá Conejita-
I haven't seen you whole day yesterday, did you catch some rest at the end?
He nodded and said that he has day of so he wanna spend it with me!
-YAS YAS!- i yelled happily -What are we gonna do?!-
-Don't worry, we have whole day and i've already planned everything. We are also going out.-
I sang excitedly and went to change, but of course i first expelled him out of my room.
As i was changing, i heard knocking, since i was in underwear i opened up door a bit and peeked expecting Blake, but i actually saw Kate and Mari. I was about to invite them but looks like they've already invited themselves; I laughed and closed the door. They were talking in silent voices but they got a heart attack when they saw me. -WHAT ARE TOU WEARING?!- screamed Martina.
-Uhh a hoodie and the trousers?-
-Calm down Mari remember she doesn't know- said Kate.
-I don't know what?-
-Right right,- added Mari -listen Lucy we've brought you a dress and some make up too! And we thought it's the right moment to try it on!-
-Uh i don't know-
-C'mon tryy, if you don't like it you can take it off- suggested Kate.
-Fine then.- i finally agreed.
They ran and few seconds later came back with gorgeoud dark blue dress. It was just perfect! I loved it. When i tried it on i was speechless! Dress was fitting me more than perfectly!! Girls were so proud of themselves and i thanked them. They also had done my make up and i couldn't recognize myself. It was so flawless. After everything was done they literally pushed me out of the room; As i was walking down the stairs i begged dear lord to not fall in those heels.
When i successfully survived stairs i saw Blake. His mouth wide opened; I laughed. When he realized he was staring he apologized and kissed my hand saying: Perdoname mi señorita, no podia apartar los ojos de ti; Te ves hermosa..(Forgive me miss, i couldn't take my eyes off you, you look dazzling..)
I smiled: Gracias señor, así que lo hace.. (Thank you mister, you too)
We chuckled and went out. I saw sun for the first time in few months (it didn't really bother me tho) but Blake was kinda mad because "it's not healthy, it's not good for me and blah blah" i honestly barely listened to him, but if anything, i loved listening to his voice so, joke on him, i didn't mind his lecutring hehe;
As we got into the car i started asking questions like where were we going or where was it. He smiled everytime he saw my irittated look when he told me it's all a secret, but, he also added that waiting will be worth it. I impatiently waited for our arriving, i was wondering if we will be walking down the streets or something.
-Are we there?
-Not yet Conejita, soon-
-Are we there?-
-No Sunshine not yet-
I was about to ask him again just because well i wanted to talk to him and i was bored, but i had some strong feeling that he will kick me out of the car, so i kept silent.
After 15 minutes of driving he told me we were almost there, and he parked his car under some wood. He put blindfold on me and took my hand so i don't trip over something or fall. As we stepped into some object he took off the blindfold. It was breath-taking! We were in the huge room , all white and blue walls. Petails were everywhere. There was also a table with all sorts of delicious food. I happily clapped like a child who saw lolipop, but he didn't mind at all. He pulled out chair for me and i sat; damn kind, smart and gentle what else could i wish for? He was perfect, i wanted to get on knee and propouse to him right there, but unfortunantly i couldn't. We talked and laughed all the time, i love chatting with him and he seemed to enjoy too.. Also i realized all the meals weren't including milk so i could eat them normally, i thought it was a pure luck he ordered it, but at the end i said how i was so happy that i could eat it all expecting him to ask why wouldn't i, but he just chuckled and answered:
-I am glad you're having a good time i made sure none of our food includes milk because od your allergy-
I was so shocked and got a bit too emotional cause i started crying joyful tears.. I was so touched by him. I mentioned my allergy only once long time ago, and he remembered the exact detail. But he didn't know i was crying out of happineds so he stood up and quickly kneeled in front of me kissing both my wrists and hands asking me if i was okay, and gently holding my cheeks. I clearly could hear panic in his voice as he didn't even tried to hide it; i said i was a bit too fine and told him what actually happened. We both smiled and he said that i had no idea how much more i've done for him.. After that i noticed bottle of wine at the corner of the table. I wanted to try it so bad but he kept shoting me look that made me just nervously laugh and look away. Eventually he sighed and said: -Listen Conejita i can't control you in any way, but knowing your taste, you will spit it out plus you're under age, but if you wanna try go ahead.-
I was too stubborn to listen to his advice but turned out he was more than right. I tried only one sip and i almost spat it out but thankfully i didn't, i made a disgusted face and he laughed: -Told ya-
-Okay fine you were right- i rolled my eyes - don't you like wine tho? Why aren't you drinking?-
-Oh yeah, i actually do sometimes, but i am driving so i won't drink tonight..-
I adored how careful he was.
Rest of the night we spent laughing, chatting, him flirting and me almost throwing shoe at him, but it doesn't matter cause we both had much fun together;
When that beautiful night was about to end i thanked him again and again. I wasn't the type of person who would do such a thing but after we got in the car i gave him quick kiss on the lips to thank him, but immediately turned to window flustered; God my whole nerv system was panicing, i heard a silent giggle and voice:
-Hey Sunshine?-
I reflexively turned around but at that exact moment he pressed his lips against mine, and i couldn't help but kiss back with my eyes closed. I have to admit: i adored his every kiss, but i was specialy weak on the forehead, hand and nose kisses from him, and even tho i never said it, i bet he knows that very well and that he will use it against me as well, like he already did. After that my frustration became even worse.
He laughed way to proudly and i didn't like it. I pouted all the way home, but, as much as i denied it, we both knew how much i loved generally everything about him: his inteligence, his kindness his smile, his eyes, everything! And it pissed me off. I wanted to punish him and pretend like i hated him, so hopefully, he will stop his teasing, but i proudly succeeded my mission for full 5 minutes 'cause, after we arrived he carried me on his back like a child, and we went to my room. I was still pouting but as he dropped me on the bed, and kissed my nose, i couldn't stand being mad at him anymore, and he must've noticed the mood change because he said: -You're not angry anymore?-
I hesitated at first but eventually sighed and shook my head.
When i did it, he knew i wasn't actually mad so he wasn't worried. He started petting me so it would be easier for me to fall asleep. After he realized i was bout to fall into my small imaginary world he whispered:
-Good night Conejita, sweet dreams..-