

Entering the ball room Elora's eyes were caught by soft hue of the walls that gave off a glow under the light of the candles, her eyes drifted from the walls to the ceiling framed by gold filagree, her ears adsorbed the haunting music played by skillful elegant hands.

Draymore looked at her a hint of amusement touched his eyes as he fought caressing the smooth skin of her cheek"Didn't I tell you I would bring you to beautiful places?"
Elora's eyes continued to gaze at the gilded work of the madallion that held the chandelier at it's center, their dark pools reflecting the dancing candlelight "That is true, it appears we are in a jewelry box only we are not as beautiful."

Draymore smiled and slipped closer taking in her scent "I'm looking at the most perfect emerald."
Elora smiled slightly knowing his way with words "Those words,were beautiful and transfixing at our first meeting, yet I still like hearing them as if it was a hundred years ago".

Draymore smiled and sank himself closer til his breath tickled Elora's ear making her quietly laugh "We both know time has no bearing on our kind, we can live idly taking in the pleasure of one another"

The words meaning and the closeness of him always excited her, the life she traded so long ago to follow him was worth it she thought merrily, feeling the hand of her lover slip through the her hair as they flirted in the shadowed crevasse that lead to a moonlit balcony, all the while the faceless participants of the ball danced sloppily, these were the savored moments she found the trill in when this life showed it's ugly face.

Draymore pulled Elora to the balcony to dance, he enjoyed these moments, the beauty of magical moments like this made him forget what came after.

Elora smiled at his wistful expression "You're eyes were so fierce at times like this when I started this journey with you,but they've softened". Draymore pulled her hand to his lips 'It was easier to be a monster until I met you."

Elora watched his lips touch the palm of her hand transfixed as if it was the first time
"Would a monster make me feel so calm?" Draymore's eyes caught hers, ferociously with as much gentleness he could, he pulled her hand slipping in to kiss her as deeply as the night she succumbed to his mad world.

As their lips parted the clouds gave way to the moon revealing the auburn glow of their eyes made brighter by the hunger, as always the need to silently admire the the vulnerable savage beauty of the view of each other moved them before their primal needs were met.

Draymore and Elora moved swiftly into the ballroom, with movements so swift the candles blew out, in the dark the sounds of confusion gave way to screams that quickly hushed until only the clatter of heeled shoes raced out the door to the silver lit balcony.

Draymore left to Elora as always the last.

The fearful musician stood with his back to railing he couldn't see the terror in the dark moving closer but for it's glowing eyes, the moonlight abandoned him as it hid behind the clouds.

Elora her hunger satiated took the last as it was a gift from Draymore though this was something she did with unease, his coat and shoes were that of the musicians, though they played beautifully for the cruel occultist they too were fed off of for their beauty in a way worse than even she and Draymore.

Elora could not look this man in the eye as she neared the doors he hoped to escape through, she rushed forth to make it as painless as possible...

As her hands met his shoulders the clouds swayed and moon light pour over the scared mans face.

Elora's body ceased in it's action as her eyes met his her head shook and her chest burned, as if her heart pushed her back from him on its own.

Draymore hearing the impact and watching her fall back burst through the doors to make the kill.

Before he could touch the man who stood in shock at the sight of Elora, a hand intercepted his own and push him back...
Elora stood between them ready to defend the young man, Draymore stunned growled and backed away from his companion confused by her actions.

Elora as confused but unwilling to move or let the musician be the last of tonight's meal "It's enough, let us make our leave"

Draymore rebutted "We never leave those who have seen us, you know that this is what I taught you so that we survive".
Elora's stance told Draymore she was ready to fight.
Elora couldn't understand the sudden shift but a piece of the humanity or soul she thought discarded suddenly lit itself into a bolt of lightning and began to engulf the wandering voided eyed spectre she found comfort in consuming her from within.

"Draymore" the lack of affection of his name as it slipped from her lips as if she was putting down the mask for even now her eyes that had always been speckled in the endearing connection they had built in the hundred years journey lost their hazy glow they always held for him.

Elora's eyes brimmed fiercely as if an invisible light was bursting forth and her look was that of someone he did not know, it was maddening that his partner who was always his now stood as another's.

" I couldn't understand it at first because I've walked through so many dreams here, but my heart always reminds me when it comes to you" Elora's eyes were on Draymore but her words were for the musician who now seemed to understand who she truly was.

"Couldn't we just go?" the musician spoke his voice unafraid pleading with her.

Elora's already teary inhaled a sob even as she did not let loose her grip of Draymore's wrist "This is all I can do for now, is save you when I'm permitted. So go now until we get to meet again."

With a gentle wave of her hand something Draymore could not imagine appeared strands as if made of a fine silk their glow mesmerized him as they swirled through the air and around the musicians waist and splayed curving carefully flowing around his chest and legs with care they lifted him in their glow and quietly as if pouring over the rail of the balcony they carried him from them though his eyes swelled and the words he whispered as if trying to stop what he already knew was done.

Draymore caught his breath and pulled his hand back as Elora released it, now she stood more imposing than anything he'd seen.

The dark hair he loved the feel of between his fingers now bled to a white pearl like hue as eyes glowing now in a peony like color even as the white heat behind them burst through in sparks so small it left him in awe.

"Who are you?, Where is Elora?" His voice shook to his own astonished ears.

"You are old but not so old that you could remember me,I'm done forgetting and I'm truly sorry you have to endure this" ...

The strands that held the man safely away from them placed him upon the soft grass before receding to their source, Draymore looked at the young man his anger apparent.

"This was inevitable Draymore, hearts that are forged together as they are destroyed fuse, so we will always be"

Draymore knew now that Elora was nothing but a mask for this stranger whose heart he couldn't know even after a hundred years for a meer moment was all it took for the young man now standing in the field beyond his reach to remove it and reach into this being that was unlike any he'd met before because he actually knew he could not subdue her with his anger or love.

The glow turned to a burst of searing light that hurt to even look at as Draymore was caught in it as she seemed to hold him.

"So somewhere in there you know me enough to know I would never let him leave here after this" Draymore's words were filled with anger that only hid his anguish.

"I enjoyed tearing down the evil of this world with you and now I know why, dear friend don't hate me for taking you with me so I won't hate you later" her words were genuine and Draymore smiled wistfully as they both combusted and became nothing.
© CM