

Give them the crown, but remain with the jewels of the crown

Before colonialism, the Nuer Nation exist, they lives in harmonic live with even those who could betrayed them, several nationalities came and live with them, and they copy up with them, but due to their friendly tradition that stand with the principled believe that all human are one and created equal, they start by accommodating Arab and they were betrayed, then the arrogant British came and surprised them with maximum betrayal that resulted to the longest 11years war in Africa, the British got defeated and came back with new strategy of neo-colonization that hold their objective views, that the Nuer mind is the hard ground that command both invincible and uncountable physical battles, it's their major contonment site where all battles must begin, they came with religion that manipulate how the Nuer mind work, and because betrayal never cease, they used the Nuer neighbor Jieng to give them some of the key Nuer religious spiritual secrets, and several Nuer prophets losed their lives, but the colonial master didn't just exist but have to stolen the Nuer strongest civilization, cultural norms, Nuer traditional way of governance which is sometimes referred to federalization and rotational leadership in English language, and manipulate them into different thing.

But there is sense in which the colonial master have always recognized, that the Nuer religion happened to be the most discriminative religion on Earth, they referred it to a segregative religion that does not love to accommodate other races, they discussed it's variation with that of Jews till they confirmed both religions with no differences except their indispensable believe on prophecy, of course we knew this when many prophets fall and raised in Naath Land , and they argued, that the day we allow the existence of this so called Naath nation shall be the day Africa as continent shall begin to gain momentum and realize her potential, and that would be when the colonial master shall losed Africa and wallow in absolute poverty for good, because of this, they have to set our mental habit into the prison of sorrows and lamentations so that we live in a confused political dilemma. Some of their writers had to published a book titled; "The Nuer Dilemma written by a British citizen called Hutchinson Sharon Elaine in 1952, which I think most Nuer readers across the world might have come across, it's a book that elaborate more about Nuer identity, resistances, religion, and why Nuer failed from regaining control of their self-pride, and cease to give attention to facts that could have liberate Naath nation instead of South Sudan, one of the most disgusting fact was when the Nuer happened to accept imperialists as their preachers and teachers, and prefer British gods to the native Nuer God, then when things falls apart the Nuer found themselves standing with confused political ambition that had never been in the right diplomatic political posture, their mind was conquered and they were confused, then their God felt betrayed and got confused until he has to relaxed, fall sleep and couldn't understand their calls anymore, they pray and fast calling upon him and he replied it's too late Gaatdeang, their Prophets were tired and begin to cursed them with fake politicians who could speak less of Nuer identity except ambushing them with their fake ideas, they persuade their sons to fight in 1947, 1950, 1972 and 1991 which gave birth to the current south Sudan, which many commentators from the Arab societies were quick to describe in 2014 a cemetery ground for the Nuer dead bodies, the Nuer were welded in one state with merceless nations who couldn't create their own history except forging and stealing what others have sacrified their live for! The Nuer historical achievements were stolen by those on power, when a Nuer military General go to war, he defeated the enemy and his rewards are given to non Nuer general simply because he is from the tribe whose sons are on power, of course they are right to put their national interest first, no matter how many Nuer skeletons were burn to ash in the bushes, Life still go on.

Eye witness; the Nuer politicians were watching with their eyes opened, their fellow Naath population were severelly condemned into the centers of suicide, they were drowning and the water keep confronting them with snakes in their living rooms, no government support, they construct dyke, dredged rivers with their bear hands, they cry and no one could listen to them. All these has always been the same results of the black British cold war.

The meaning of this is; at first it was through Sudanism whose political crown was predominantly worn by the Arab man with powerless Nuer being kept in the system while blindfolded as citizen with no right or Access to the table of decision making, then through south Sudanism whose political crown was worn by a British Dinka man deputized by a black Nuer Britain who could be supervised to never dream or speak of Naath independency. Look at how the Nuer were covered here my fellow human being, it simply mean that the colonial master have given the Nuer their political leadership but retains the values, administrative powers and directorate by giving them whether political leaders or kings, that who once sit on the political throne would appear black and speak like Nuer, but pure British in his psychological mindset, in other words, retaining the leadership values mean the Nuer have to be ruled or lead by politicians who once reasoned and sound critical on the case of Naath nation could be dismissed in his position, charge for treason, or chased away from the country, kept in exile and brought back to his previous position when he give up and changed his mind, while he couldn't be allows to sit on the round table of 24hours decision making, he could only be allows to attend day meeting but at night real issues would be discussed and couldn't be told or given a single notice, or any clue information about what exactly is going on in the national politic. May the God of our ancestors touch their heart.

They also came up with the second neo-colonial strategy, or the post colonial project of mental psychological control which came in the name of education, they start by kidnapping Nuer sons for the English studies abroad to become church leaders, paramount Chiefs in Naath territories to brainwashed the Nuer population so that it would be too late for them to realized that they have losed their religious ethics and education, now Nuer kids including their elders couldn't read or write thok Naath, decolonization will take them time when they try.

I'm not saying this with any intention of making you Nuer quit your liberational agenda, I'm only lamenting on how painful your ancestors faced the world we live today, and to remind yourselves that no matter how much you keep sacrificing your personal comfort for others, the world will never understand your pain. And to also speak the truth, that you can not diagnosed a patient without examining so that you understand the cause of the disease and prescribe the right medication. Your history is painful, and no matter how rough it is, it must be written the way it is so that it direct you in any action you may take as you liberate yourselves.

But now that the tragedy become your mental habit, how the current situation made you invest in primitive accumulation, your citizens are controlled and manipulated by your fellow citizens who couldn't sleep thus to propelled the investment of greed and dinkanization project, and due to this, you couldn't fight the regime except them, you need to involve them in this movement, then interrogate their ways, and begin to outsmart them before they outsmart you incase they cease to listen. You must do it by reconstructing new Naath political framework structure, and institute your Naath religion so that your abandoned God can feel at home, then come back to help you liberate yourselves from the evil regime.

I know it wouldn't become easy, but it's also important to remind yourselves that the Nuer never fought an easy war in any movement before, you must be vigilant and strong enough to preach the agenda of self-determination, and mobilize your citizens as Professor Bol Joak said in one of his book chapter I read, then ask the world to come and supervise your referendum till you achieved the dream of Naath nation. May the God of our ancestors blessed this journey.

BY JOHN MUT, (Economic philosopher).