

The Beast who took me. ( warning ⚠️ Explicit)
I was young and I mostly wanted fun, I wanted something new in my middle 20's. I knew sex was pleasurable however tonight I would experience the Beast. He was a man in his 30's with a typical dad bod, I was totally completely underestimating the totality of sexual pleasure that would pursue. The man was honest and kind in nature. I was told he had the best sex to experience I thought he would probably last at most twenty minutes. I explained the situation that was pre arranged to him at the time he was gardening. He laughed and said are you sure about this? You aren't cheating on your spouse are you? I don't do cheating im forever against it! I am letting you know ahead of time. I said no im single im of age and I be damned if the fool didn't card me. I thought who are you to card me you fucking fool! But then again at the same time I liked the compliment of looking young. I said so what do I call you im sure you don't want me to know your name? He responded as his dog walked by him in the garden you can call me the beast. He turned and said im going to go get cleaned up come inside. He took off his gardening gloves and had the tatoo love across his knuckles. I followed him inside, He said sat down make yourself at home theyre is coke in the fridge I don't like women being worried or stressed out prehand. I know that when I come back your conchuse mind will be in complete worry vs clarity regardless of how comfortable you are now. He couldn't of been more true he was such a kind man, I honestly began fully doubting sexual desires would come from him. It had been around thirty minutes after that I heard him call me to the room.. He said you never told me your name so ill give you one your name will be Nicole. I said why Nicole? He said almost every woman your age I knows middle name is Nicole its the Marie of your generation. We both began laughing as I walked to the room. He said before you open the door that is in front of you undress fully. I did as he said and I lowered my panties first they were moist with vaginal fluid. I don't know from nervousness rush or my Horny ass had soaked them. I said may I open the door now beast he said yes. I opened the door his dad bod with his brown hair and beard was cute ill admit. I jumped on the bed with him his penis covered legs sprawled facing upwards. I took my legs and laid next to him the same way, my long red hair touching his face. He held me and kissed my cheek not hot but very reassuring he wasn't a bad man in general. He said are you ready? I said yes Beast I am, He rolled me over on my side and smelled my hair. He began sucking my ear lobe and rubbing his cock on my ass cheek. I felt the lips of my pussy began to leak fluid slowly like as if it were an tea bag that had been pulled from the kettle to fast. it began bursting forth leaking from my labia majora. He slid his penis up and down it busting the seal on my lips with the head of his cock. He put his fingers in my hair deep against the roots vs pulling at the tips like a un educated fool. This man was a beast not a weakling like I thought. His massive banana cock slid up to my clit he began messaging it with the head in his hand. I was moaning as my thighs began to froth up with my own cum I was trying not to squirt on him he was extremely good, He would back off right before id loose control as my body would snatch to contortions & contract like a python killing a mouse. My body became much like a riffle every bit of me would recoil my brain shaking my fingers twitching my brain bursting from orgasms. He then slid in his massive cock by lifting my leg with his hands and sliding me down on to it. I felt the curve push past my G spot then past my O spot then into my A spot where it bottomed out hitting my cervix with a gentle kiss from the head of his massive cock. He began pulling me down on it I couldn't fight it my tight pussy stretching slowly every thrust to accommodate his massive banana inside me. I broke like a champagne glass hitting concrete my clitoral gasms weren't shit compared to the magnum level impact to the deep vaginally orgasms I was having. My mind was turning I was so high I couldn't see straight, Never in my life had I had this it was orgasm before each orgasm could even end my cervix in knots and every muscle and tendon in my pelvic floor spasming and shifting. I was exploding cum all down his cock as it hooked deep inside of me. Then at once he put me in doggie without even pulling the head out with a rolling motion. The beast began hammering it inside of me I was fully open my insides where turning but no where near as fast as my mind I lost count of the orgasms this was fucking heaven. I exploded like a hand grenade this time everything inside of me to my own soul was twitching like a trillion earth quakes through my spine & brain i squirted and broke like a bitch like a female dog being fucked i squirted on him my knees gave out he was still pounding colors literally where swirling in my vision. I no longer could even grip on to anything nor scream I was like a rag doll. I was usless in his grip he then erupted with cum on my cervix I felt the head throbbing as his stinger of life filled me full of Immortal honey, My pussy was full of merge and it was running slowly out of me and onto my thighs. I couldn't stand up I was to fucked up my body beyond limp and my mind shot. he slowly pulled his cock out still spirting small amounts of honey on my thighs. He did something unexpected I literally laid helpless a sex bod that had left me literally limper than a bunch of muscle relaxers he gently cleaned all of the semen off of me with a towel.. He then cuddled with me he didn't treat me like a one night stand he had dignity this beast did... yet I was the one whom doubted this man. I was young then and the beast wasn't to much older, yet his memory is always theyre I wonder where he went to this day. I wish I would of dated him instead of a one night stand, If his sex was that great I can just imagine his cooking......
© ChrismBosarge