

south park snow day pt 2
( recap " when we last saw the group they were fighting over who the mole was until Clyde got the new kids address)
Eric : hello new kid we are trying to find a mole in the group I overhead butters and Stan talking about how strange Clyde behavior has been but I told him it's just Clyde
the new kid: okay... let's go to South Park elementary it's all destroyed and snowed in maybe we can find some clues there.. ( meanwhile) butters: hey Kyle where is Eric and the new kid ?
Kyle : there at south park elementary investigating
Clyde : cool dudes
Kyle : shouldn't you be with him ?
Clyde : no I'm just the navigater..
( back with new kid and Eric )
Eric : you're right this place is dilapidated now I guess that means no more school this time forever! ( Eric steps past some broken glass) ( meanwhile in the sewers)
Santa: hohoh why we down here?
Jesus: we're looking for... code name hanky
Mr hanky : howdy ho!
Jesus: well that's a lot easier...
( back with Eric and new kid)
Eric : hey I found a picture... it's a picture.. of Stan and me but my face is marked out... wait a minute only kal uses this color of ink..
the New kid: does that mean he's our mole?
Eric : not as I suspect.... ( meanwhile Kenny and Kenny are playing Mario Cart)
Wendy: your bad at this Kenny
Kenny : I know... ( to be continued..)